About the Journal
Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (IDJPCR) is a-peer-reviewed publication of original research works. The mission of the journal is to offer a medium to exchange ideas and information about the advancement of knowledge and research in disciplines of pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, medical sciences, biological pharmacy and pharmaceutical chemistry. The journal also receives systematic reviews, meta-analysis and review article on new issues in pharmaceutical and clinical sciences. Submission to this journal implies that the manuscript has not been published or under consideration to be published in another journal. At the initial stage, this journal will be published twice a year. Starting in 2020, Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (IDJPCR) is a journal that publish accepted research articles in June and December (2 issues a year). It is electronically published via journal website
ISSN (Print) : 2615 - 6199
ISSN (Online): 2620 - 3731