Evaluation of Antiinflammatory Activity of Marine Omega-3 in Rats


  • Ana Khusnul Faizah Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Angelica Kresnamurti Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya, Indonesia




Antiinflammatory, Fish Oil, Marine Omega-3, Sodium Diclofenac


Marine omega-3 from fish contains high EPA dan DHA which may have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The objective of study is to analyze the anti-inflammatory effect of marine omega-3 in rats. The method of this study is pre-post control experimental. The acute anti-inflammatory effect of marine omega-3 were investigated through carrageenan induced paw edema in rats. Thirty minutes before the procedure, the experimental groups were treated with fish oil 40 and 60 mg/kg; sodium diclofenac (5 mg/kg) as positive control groups and span 80-tween 80 as negative control groups. The degree of paw edema was measured by caliper. The marine omega-3 showed anti-inflammatory effect in a dose-dependent manner. The results of 60 mg/kg of marine omega-3 was significantly different compared with the negative. Overall,

the marine omega-3 has acute anti-inflammatory activity in rats.


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2019-12-30 — Updated on 2020-06-30

How to Cite

Faizah, A. K. ., & Kresnamurti, A. . (2020). Evaluation of Antiinflammatory Activity of Marine Omega-3 in Rats . Indonesian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2(2), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.32734/idjpcr.v2i2.2666