International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism 2024-04-03T09:20:31+07:00 Dr. Dwira Nurfalini Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism (IJAU) is peer-reviewed journal that published article that is concerned with Architectural Theory and Critic, Building Technology, Development Studies, Economic Growth and Development, Heritage and Built Environment, Human and Society, Organization and Management, Physical Environment, Quality of Life, Spatial Change &amp; Geographic Information Technologies, Sustainable Built Environment, Town Planning dan Urban Design.</p> Study of Futuristic Architectural Forms Towards the Function of Convention Buildings (Case Study: Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD) 2024-01-18T10:33:50+07:00 Dea Harum Nugrahaini <p>According to the <em>'Encyclopedia of 20th Century Architecture'</em>, the form of a building must be derived from the fulfillment of the function it serves [1]. The form obtained can also be one aspect of the characteristics of an architectural style, such as in Futuristic Architecture. This research takes a case study of the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) building, BSD. Based on theoretical studies in various literatures, the characteristics of the Futuristic Architecture form are formulated, which are (1) dynamic form, (2) varying dimensions, (3) colors and textures are more striking but still simple, (4) shape and orientation can be interpreted differently from various positions, and (5) unstable visual inertia. The research used the descriptive-qualitative method, which describes the form of Futuristic Architecture found in the case study based on these five characteristics. Based on the analysis, it found that the ICE BSD building is suitable for the characteristic of the Futuristic Architecture form that affects the function of the convention building, and it can concluded that the Futuristic Architecture form has suitability in form, dimensions, color, texture, and visual inertia aspect, and unsuitability in position and orientation aspect.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Effectiveness of Inclusive Design for Children with Disabilities in Nigerian Education Buildings 2024-01-31T12:24:39+07:00 Salawu Ahmed Nuhu Ateiza Isiaka Isah Alhaji Tauheed <p>The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) report that twenty million Nigerian children lack access to basic school education. This is due to inadequate support for children with unique educational needs and impairments in primary school buildings.&nbsp; This study aims to assess how inclusive design ideas have been applied in Abuja public primary school buildings to accommodate children with unusual academic needs, including disabilities, in Nigeria. A descriptive study design with a survey technique was employed as the methodology. A standardised questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale was used to collect information and was delivered to a sample size of 133 people. According to the data, physically challenged pupils and older staff were more concerned with the proportions of overall desires and security, skills, and perception. Additionally, no ramps were installed in the school buildings, prohibiting disabled students from moving vertically, and students with impairments have difficulty reaching areas of conveniences. These findings indicate that inclusive design ideas have not been included into the architectural designs of Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) community primary academic buildings. The findings suggest the need for strong legislation to create an inclusive design special unit to ensure all architectural designs meet FCTA institutional standards for primary school building delivery</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Calculating Flanking Transmission for Improved Airborne Sound Insulation in Buildings 2024-01-20T23:09:28+07:00 Laurentius Kevin Hendinata <p>The complexities of airborne noise insulation in tropical buildings provide challenges for predicting the value of airborne noise in buildings. The analysis employs standardized metrics, the Weighted Sound Reduction Index (D<sub>nT,w</sub>), to evaluate the impact of wall, floor, and ceiling combinations on acoustic performance. Notably, the study addresses the persistent challenge of flanking transmission, contributing to disparities between predicted and measured values. This study focuses on common construction materials in Indonesia. The outcomes reveal that lightweight construction materials, such as lightweight brick walls, consistently exhibit superior sound reduction, emphasizing their potential benefits in tropical regions. Additionally, the choice of ceiling materials, particularly gypsum board over wooden ceilings, significantly influences acoustic outcomes</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Lighting design method of a football stadium considering visualization 2024-01-20T22:48:47+07:00 Hyok-Chol U <p>This research is about implementation of visualization to evaluate and correct lighting state and characteristics of lighting engineering on computers in lighting design&nbsp;of football pitch considering shelter and tower.&nbsp;</p> <p>The visualization of architectural lighting and ornament with lamplights designs has not been studied&nbsp;in detail until now in the world, and the method of visualization design for achieving FIFA standards in asymmetric four-tower football stadium&nbsp;lighting is described in the light mode and under the brief introduction by the lighting simulation programs DIALux and Relux..</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Study of Imageability in the Pajak Ikan Lama Medan 2024-02-04T14:30:32+07:00 Annisa Widhiyanti Dwi Lindarto Hadinugroho Wahyu Utami <p>The Pajak Ikan Lama area is one of the old town commercial areas in Medan City that has a row of Chinatown shophouse buildings with various local trading activities. The rapid economic growth and modernization in this area is feared to have an impact on the physical aspects and spatial quality of the area that does not show its concept and aesthetics as an old town commercial area. The irregularity of activities that occur in this area also affects the condition of visitors in observing and understanding this area. These problems affect the imageability of the Pajak Ikan Lama area. The purpose of this research is to examine the formation of imageability of the Pajak Ikan Lama area based on its supporting qualities, such as legibility, enclosure, human scale, complexity, coherence, linkage, and transparency. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with case study research type. The results of this research are expected to reveal the formation of imageability of the Pajak Ikan Lama area based on its supporting qualities.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Typology of Corner Buildings in the District of Central Market Medan 2024-01-10T13:45:06+07:00 Alifa Azzahra Nasution Beny O Y Marpaung Marpaung Hilma Tamiami Fachruddin <p>The Central Market Medan is a district that holds significant architectural and historical value, especially in Medan. Built during the colonial era in 1929, the Central Market Medan was inaugurated in 1933 and consisted of 183 shopping buildings. The Central Market Medan played a role as a generator of commercial activity and was declared the largest market area in Medan during that period. As a commercial district, corner buildings play a significant role in optimizing commercial functions. Most of the corner buildings were built with special treatment that can be seen from the corner form and can be easily distinguished from the surrounding buildings to emphasize the presence of street corners.&nbsp; This research aims to analyze the corner buildings in Central Market Medan to find out the correlation between the corner building typology theory and corner buildings in Central Market Medan. The research is conducted using a qualitative method by field observations and literature studies. The results of this research are expected to find the typology of corner buildings in the District of Central Market Medan in the mean of emphasizing the corners in urban space. It is hoped that this research will contribute to developing architectural knowledge, especially regarding the corner buildings in the District of Central Market Medan.&nbsp;</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Understanding Traditional Malay Communities In Riau Using The Levi-Strauss Framework Of Structuralism 2024-01-19T12:14:24+07:00 Muhd. Arief Al Husaini <p>Riau is one of the provinces in the middle of the island of Sumatra. Geographically, Riau's land stretches from the slopes of Bukit Barisan to the coast of the Strait of Malacca. Many traditional Malay settlements are found along the Kampar River, Rokan River, Kampar River, and Indragiri River. Malays are very dominant in Riau Province, but there are also various other ethnic tribes such as Chinese, Banjar, and others. This study will examine the typology of Malay settlements in Riau Province. Typology is the study of types, that is, the attempt to conduct a review of types based on certain criteria. In this case, the framework of Levi-Strauss structuralism is the basis for a review of typology. Levi-Strauss believes that structuralism based on structural studies developed in culture, such as myths, beliefs, language, and symbols can be used as a reference for understanding a society including in the study of traditional settlements. This study uses literature research methods. The stages of the literature review are determining research topics, collecting information and data through various materials and scientific papers, discussion, and writing. Learn from various information about Malay settlements in Riau Province such as the Koto Sentajo settlement, Akit Tribe settlement, Kampung Dalam settlement, Siak Hulu settlement, and Rokan Hulu Defense Village settlement. Culture played an important role in the formation of these traditional Malay settlements. Each Malay settlement formed its distinctive features based on the cultural structure that was developed and adopted. Different cultural elements such as Malay dialects, social strata structures, customary institutions, rituals, inheritance, and kinship systems affect different typologies of traditional Malay settlements.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Application of Green Architecture In Athletes Guesthouse Sports Center 2024-03-29T16:38:08+07:00 Adha Zulkhair Devin Defriza Harisdani <p>Sibolga has good tourism potential because many beautiful beaches can compete with other countries such as Japan, Korea, and Singapore. However, Sibolga is still far behind these countries, the city of Sibolga will be more beautiful if taken care of the cleanliness of the beach. A tourist attraction requires a building that can accommodate by providing lodging services and other facilities that can support tourism activities. The beach is an area that is very vulnerable to natural damage caused by humans themselves, who are less critical in preserving the environment. Therefore we need a building with a design that can provide environmental insight to the broader community. To answer these problems, the construction of a resort hotel with a green architectural theme will accommodate tourists on vacation. Not only that, a design following the characteristics of tourists is needed to create an appropriate room typology. In addition, the application of the green architectural theme in buildings can have a good influence on the community. Providing environmental examples, will open up public insight and enable to reduction of the impact of damage and maximization of natural resources. To realize an environmentally friendly building is to save energy by using renewable energy such as the use of windmills because the speed of the air on the floor can rotate the windmill turbine so that it can produce renewable energy or by using solar panels that capture the heat of sunlight, electrical energy to produce renewable electricity. It requires environmentally friendly materials.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Nadiyah Marhani Siregar, Firman Eddy Design Of Childern’s Creativity Center In Medan City With Green Architecture Concept 2024-03-31T01:10:27+07:00 Nadiyah Marhani Siregar Firman Eddy <p>This journal is made for us to know how important a place is for our future kids to find knowledge easily.Therefore, the children who are still hesitant to know where to go can find the place convenient. The large number of children within Medan city for the availability of facilities that the development of children's creativity not directly proportional shows that this needs to be considered, especially since curious is a period of growth stimulation that can affect future growth and development. To resuscitate and tell other people how important for us to know, that future kids will suffer for knowledge. The main problem for them is the ignorance of themself to find out where they can find the receptacle to head to. Therefore, it is necessary to design facilities for a Children’s Creativity Centre in Medan City that can meet the needs of conditions and can accommodate recreational and educational activities for children that can affect children's development with a Green Architecture approach. This research uses qualitative descriptive methods through field information and literature studies. This building applies the Green Architecture concept in the form of saving energy, being way more flexible with climate, keeping it safe for the site, and respecting the people nearby. So that this design can be a forum for children's creativity, which is expected to respond to the condition of children both physically and psychically, which can improve children's creativity.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Design Of Karo Traditional Virtual Museum In Medan City 2024-03-29T16:22:59+07:00 <p>One of the biggest cities in Indonesia is Medan, which serves as the provincial capital of North Sumatra and is growing pretty quickly. There are many different cultures ingrained in the city of Medan itself. The several varied tribes who call the city home demonstrate this. In Indonesia, diversity and cultural distinctions are highly valued. As a result, it is imperative to conserve the artistic traditions of the many ethnic groups that make up Medan. A museum is, broadly speaking, an organization or non-profit that works to educate and serve the public. Its open-minded approach is used in the gathering, preservation, study, sharing, and public display of actual and virtual artifacts for educational purposes. both learning and enjoyment. A museum's primary purpose is to gather, preserve, and periodically display artifacts for the general public or select guests. The primary issue is that there is now no Karo Museum in Medan City, despite the fact that it is one of the biggest cities in Indonesia and was founded by a member of the Karo Tribe. Consequently, it is anticipated that the layout of the Karo Traditional Virtual Museum would offer more thorough historical details regarding the history of Medan City and the Karo Culture. &nbsp;</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Enhancing Lighting Efficiency in Kost's Rooms by Utilizing Bamboo Panels 2024-01-19T12:04:49+07:00 Rania Ababssi Yulianto P. Prihatmaji <p>Abstract:</p> <p>This research paper examines the sustainability aspects of bamboo as a versatile building material, with a particular emphasis on its potential to enhance lighting efficiency in construction. Sustainability in building construction necessitates eco-friendliness, affordability, versatility, and durability, all of which bamboo embodies. Beyond its well-documented thermal benefits, bamboo's rapid growth rate, adaptability to diverse climates, and inherent qualities position it as an eco-conscious choice for building materials. Notably, bamboo offers advantages such as high yield, environmental friendliness, lightweight properties, and rapid maturation for harvesting, making it a cost-effective option. This research delves into the key attributes and noteworthy applications of bamboo, including its innovative use in student boarding houses around Universitas Islam Indonesia.</p> <p>Through rigorous research, Bamboyasa workshop and experiments, we identified one of the 3 bamboo panels we made then selected the most promising panel for practical experimentation, focusing on bamboo panel technologies then modify the design to enhance the daylighting and thermal target. Our aim is to harness bamboo's unique characteristics to enhance human comfort and create sustainable building components tailored to lighting efficiency.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Dynamics of Spatial Transformation in Pekanbaru City During the Era of Regional Autonomy 2024-01-19T11:45:51+07:00 Wahyu Hidayat <p>Pekanbaru City in its development has gone through a number of periods of power in a span of more than two hundred years. The era of regional autonomy gave more authority to the regions to develop their cities. Stable economic growth has made Pekanbaru City one of the urbanization destinations in the Sumatra region. These two things make the morphology of Pekanbaru City has dynamically transformed into a metropolitan city. This study found that the city grows and develops no longer oriented to the city center, but has spread evenly to all parts of the city area. The road structure system is also no longer dependent on the main road around the city center, but has reached all other parts of the city. Urban transformation is still dynamic based on city government regulations and market forces.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism The Identification of Ethnic Architecture Application on the Beringharjo Market Building in Yogyakarta 2024-01-20T23:01:09+07:00 Aulia Widya Chandra Dedi Hantono Ari Widyati Purwantiasning Lutfi Prayogi Yeptadian Sari Sepli Yandri <p>Indonesia is an archipelago country that consists of various ethnic groups which have different cultural traditions according to the region itself. This cultural tradition has existed for generations, and it should be maintained and preserved by the Indonesian. The development of times, it makes the local value ​​of traditional culture slowly disappear. In prevention, the application of this ethnic architecture concept can preserve the culture of a nation. One of building that has the ethnic architecture concept is the Beringharjo Market in Yogyakarta. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method using a case study approach that aims to know how the application of the Ethnic Architecture concept in the Beringharjo Market. The construction of this market reflects the Javanese ethnic culture that prioritizes harmony. The space planning of Beringharjo Market contains Javanese philosophy and the mixture of ethnicities, one of them is European ethnicity. We can see the mixture through the shape of building, this market adopts European style and traditional Javanese style. The acculturation process of two cultures that is Javanese and European cultures shows us that the mixture culture is not limited to the locality but also across continents since the olden days. We can apply the glory of the palace to this market building that has a lower degree, especially to some elements of this building using some adjustments.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Place Attachment On Kayutangan Cultural-Heritage Area As Sustainable Public Space 2024-02-06T15:17:30+07:00 Dhiba Esperanza <p>Reserving heritage areas has become a topic that has been discussed very frequently in recent years. What is interesting about preserving heritage areas is the active interaction that connects tangible and intangible elements. This active interaction is usually called place attachment. In the revitalization of the Kayutangan area, the government's efforts to revive the area with the concept of a heritage area are closely related to the attachment that local communities have to their place of life. Therefore, this research was conducted to find out, evaluate, and understand how places are attached to the Kayutangan area as a cultural heritage area. The research was conducted using descriptive and qualitative evaluative methods by conducting field observations and literature studies. The data obtained was evaluated using an analysis unit to see the qualifications that the Kayutangan area must fulfill as a public cultural heritage area. The results obtained from this research are the lack of cultural heritage public space elements in areas such as local architecture, the dominance of the main business in adaptive reuse buildings, authentic experiences, the lack of facilities that show gender equality and attention to the disabled community, resulting in no sense of loss. of justice, and a sense of mission in showing the attachment of local residents to their living area. The results of the research contribute to knowing how the results of Kayutangan revitalization are progressing and serve as input for evaluation in the future development of the area</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism Exploring the Comfort Aspect of Self Eficacy for Sustainable Tourism in Pangururan District, Samosir Regency, Indonesia 2024-03-29T16:43:28+07:00 Nurlisa Ginting <p>Tourism initiatives that benefit both local populations and tourists contribute to long-term tourism growth. In order to build sustainable tourism, tourist locations must prioritize comfort. Comfort is extremely important in the tourist sector. It has a significant impact on travelers' decisions to visit touristic sites. Noise, cleanliness, traffic (both human and vehicle), the availability of public amenities, and local social contact all have an impact on comfort in the tourist industry. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of self-efficacy in the comfort zone of sustainable tourism in Indonesia's Pangururan District and Samosir Regency. A mixed method approach was used, involving the distribution of 268 questionnaires to visitors and residents, as well as interviews with representatives from the Samosir Regency. The results of the study show that self-efficacy comfort levels fall short of what is required for sustainable tourism. Reasonably high standards are met by the public facilities, which include parking spaces, roads, walkways, trash storage places, clean water, and information signs in both local and foreign languages. However, the degree of support for individuals with disabilities, waste disposal, and recycling activities falls short of the adequate standards. Thus, it is imperative to take more significant steps to ensure that all tourists can access and enjoy tourist destinations without any inconvenience. The recommendations for infrastructure and facility improvements are necessary to meet sustainable tourism standards and enhance the comfort aspect of tourism in the Pangururan District.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Architecture and Urbanism