Journal of Saintech Transfer <p style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Saintech Transfer is a peer-reviewed and open access references for multidisiplinary studies in science and technology transfer, entrepreneurship, and innovation, published by Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara. <br>The journal published a good and original manuscripts in the field of dissemination or transfer of science and technology, specifically addressing issues on innovative applications, development of new technologies and efficient solutions that relate to community problems.</p> <p>Journal of Saintech Transfer is published twice, in May and November.</p> <p>print-ISSN 2621-2560 | online-ISSN 2621-4830</p> en-US (Elisa Julianti) (Achmad Sadeli) Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Improvement and Roles of the USU Community Service Team in Educating Halal Certification to the Giat Maju Farmer Group in Parbuluan Village VI Dairi <p>Currently, the need for halal products has increased rapidly. Halal food has become a profitable business with the largest market share, especially in Indonesia. To improve the quality of the coffee products of the Giat Maju farmer group in Parbuluan VI Dairi Village, the USU community service team is given to educate about halal certification and how to register it. The product certification can expand the market reach of product buyers, and buyers will feel safe and comfortable. Thus, this can increase sales of partner coffee products. Some of the activities carried out by the community service team are identify the problem, socialization and education, document creation and collection, registration and completion of facilities and infrastructure, and assistance for registration of LPPOM MUI halal certification. From the socialization, partners strongly desire to obtain halal product certification by building new production houses, participating in halal certification webinars, and preparing all required documents for registration.</p> Adrian Hilman Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Saintech Transfer Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Technical Guidance on The Integration of Cattle and Food Crops in Sindang Kasih Village, South Konawe District <p class="TP-Abstract-Text" style="line-height: normal;"> </p> <p>This technical guidance aims to provide understanding to cattle breeders regarding the benefits of integrating cattle and food crops in one area so that participants are motivated and encouraged to carry out integration between cattle and food crops. This technical guidance was implemented at Sindang Kasih Village, West Ranomeeto District. Implementation of technical guidance uses lecture and discussion methods. The tools and materials used are vehicles, cell phones, and laptops. In general, Cattle Farmers in Sindang Kasih Village already understand the integration of cattle and food crops and its benefits and are committed to implementing this integration as indicated by the ability of all participants to answer questions correctly at the end of the activity session (100%). The challenges and problems of beef cattle farming include maintenance and waste processing systems. Integrating livestock with food crops in Sindang Kasih Village has been implemented well. The livestock in Sindang Kasih needs to be further improved to become one of the breeding and fattening centers in Southeast Sulawesi.</p> Harapin Hafid, Ananda; Arfan, Aslan; Andi, Fadli Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Saintech Transfer Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Application of Appropriate Technology for Making Organic NPK Fertilizer by Utilizing Palm Oil Mill Waste in Bekiung Village <p>Bekiung is one of the villages in Langkat Regency. Farmers in this village generally cultivate a lot of oil palm plants. The waste is quite large and causes environmental pollution problems. On the other hand, experience problems in the form of scarcity and expensive synthetic fertilizers, subsidized fertilizers that are no longer available, and less fertile soil. This is due to the lack of knowledge and skills of farmers, limited advice and infrastructure in waste processing. The aim of this activity is to increase farmers' knowledge and skills in processing palm oil waste into organic NPK fertilizer, open farmers' insight into the importance of organic fertilizer as a diversification of synthetic fertilizer which is beneficial for soil properties and increase the independence of partners in waste processing. The solution offered to overcome this problem is the introduction of appropriate technology and processing palm oil factory waste into organic NPK fertilizer. The methods used in this activity are socialization and direct practice in the field. The results obtained were the introduction and delivery of technology transfer equipment in the form of a hummer mill, conveyor and simple filter, training and assistance in making organic NPK fertilizer up to packaging. The conclusion of this activity is that it is a beneficial activity for partners because it increases the understanding and independence of partners in processing palm oil mill waste into organic NPK fertilizer which can overcome the problem of the availability of scarce and expensive fertilizer.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Saintech Transfer Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Training of Resin Keychain Making Based on Local Wisdom for Supporting Independent Entrepreneurship Program of Independent Campus <p>The community service activity was carried out based on the results of a needs survey for community service implementation, which has been distributed to active students from various academic and vocational programs of Chemistry Education program in South Kalimantan. The need analysis survey results showed that students are already aware of the independent curriculum, but many of them are still unaware of the independent entrepreneurship program. In addition, students also hope for entrepreneurship training, such as keychain making training. The method used in the community service is the introduction to resin materials and training in making resin keychains. The training activities were conducted in the integrated laboratory of Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari with a total of 60 participants. The results obtained from this community service are that students acquire new skills in making resin keychains, which can be used as products for entrepreneurship. The pretest showed that initially the participants' insight did not know and recognize resin and catalyst materials, and the result of the posttest showed that the participants were able to be creative by using dried flowers, leaves, and grass typical of the surrounding area to produce beautiful resin key chains.</p> Helda Rahmawati, Khairiatul Muna, Lutfiana Marisa, Saipul Rasid, Hasriati, Sayyidatul Ummi , Muhammad Bahit Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Saintech Transfer Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Empowering the Community in Building a Culture of Character, Awareness Love History and Innovation Entrepreneurship in students of Madrasah Aliyah State School 1 Deli Serdang <p>Empowering the community in building a culture of character, awareness love history and innovation entrepreneurship in students of Madrasah Aliyah State School 1 Deli Serdang is to develop the potential of students in terms of culture of character, historical knowledge and entrepreneurial skills. Some of the specific goals that can be achieved include increasing students' awareness of the importance of building a culture of good character, such as integrity, discipline, responsibility and honesty. Enhance students' knowledge of history, both national and local history, as well as increasing their love for the cultural heritage and history of the nation. The methods used in achieving the goals are character education through extracurricular pursuits, academic instruction, and self-improvement initialisms. Entrepreneurship training, organizing training and entrepreneurial workshops involving business practitioners and successful entrepreneurs as guest speakers. In addition, students may be given the opportunity to develop their own business ideas through entrepreneurship competitions or incubation program. The use of technology, using information and communication technology in the learning process to enhance students' interest in studying history and developing entrepreneurial skills. The dedication of this community service can raise public awareness of love of history and develop the skills of entrepreneurs at Madrasah Aliyah State School 1 Deli Serdang.</p> Pujiati, Ramli, Khairina, Iskandarini Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Saintech Transfer Thu, 04 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Mathuiz-B Android-Based Application Program to Overcome Dissimilarity in Mathematics Fields of Sabilurrosyad Islamic Junior High School Students <p> </p> <p>Sabilurrosyad Islamic Middle School is a junior high school in the village of Karangbesuki. The geography school is located on the edge of Malang City and far away from the center of Malang City. Students entering junior high school are big children from local public elementary school graduates. Sabilurrosyad Islamic Middle School is the school that found its students with diverse ability different academics. _ Problems faced _ partner is different competence academic field mathematics in students new Sabilurrosyad Islamic Middle School. Based on the results analysis situation and SWOT analysis, the team devoted the public to the solution by creating and giving application edugames (MATHUIZ-B) that can used by schools. For participants assigned to educate new order capabilities, cognitive students can be uniform with standard junior high school level. The method of this community activity begins with preparation, making the Mathuiz-B application, outreach to teachers and principals of Sabilurrosyad Middle School, and Submission of the application so that service partners can use it. On activities devotion public, team devotion will provide an application manual book and a book regarding successful strategies for learning mathematics for entering junior high school.</p> Kridha Pusawidjayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Saintech Transfer Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Catfish and Water Spinach Cultivation Using Aquaponics as an Effort to Meet Household-Scale Food Needs in Nagori Raya Usang Village <p>Nagori Raya Usang Village is one of the Nagori villages in the Dolog Masagal sub-district, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra Province. Based on the situation analysis, most village residents' livelihoods are artisans and farmers. The production of water spinach and catfish in Dolog Masagal District is still not optimal, so it is necessary to transfer science and technology in terms of cultivating fish and vegetables using an aquaponic system so that people can start businesses to meet their food needs starting from the household scale. The community service activity was carried out in September – October 2022. The implementation of this activity consists of 3 stages: field survey, outreach, and direct practice in making aquaponics with the community. The community has increased their knowledge and ability by 80% through socialization and direct practice of making aquaponics. The results of this aquaponics can be used for household-scale food consumption for vegetable and fish, or as an alternative additional income for the community.</p> Nursa'adah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Saintech Transfer Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Landscape Management Facilitation of BUMDes Arih Ersada's Taman Seribu Bunga to Increase Agrotourism Attraction in Raya Village, Karo Regency <p>The target of rural development is village independence and prosperity, that can be achieved by managing village economic institutions, BUMDes (village-owned enterprises). BUMDes is a business entity where the village directly or mostly owns its capital through direct participation, derived from the village’s separated assets, to manage assets, provide services, and engage in other businesses for the welfare of the village community. When BUMDes is able to operate well, generate profits that contribute more to the village's income (PADes) and reduce its unemployment, then the village will be more independent and prosperous. North Sumatra Province has 5,417 village areas but based on the Developing Village Index (IDM), there are only 16 villages with independent status. This indicates that the rural development in North Sumatra still needs to be carried out continuously. In Karo Regency, there is an independent succeed village because it is able to utilize the potential of existing natural resources, namely Raya Village, Berastagi District. This village owns a BUMDes called Arih Ersada that manages the Taman Seribu Bunga Agrotourism business unit, which always needs to be maintained and improved, so that it continuously contributes optimally to the development and empowerment of the community in Raya Village. This service activity is trying to do something that will improve the quality and functionality of Taman Seribu Bunga Agrotourism through landscape management in order to increase visitors as an effort to increase BUMDES income and empower the Raya village community.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Saintech Transfer Thu, 04 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700