Pengaruh Suhu dan Waktu Pirolisis terhadap Karakteristik Arang dari Tempurung Kelapa


  • Rosdanelli Hasibuan Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Hans Martua Pardede Universitas Sumatera Utara



charcoal, biomass, lignin, pyrolysis, coconut shell


The increased production of coconut has increased by the shell produced, even though this coconut shell has lignin content of 33.30% so it has the potential to be converted into charcoal through the pyrolysis process. Pyrolysis is a thermal decomposition process that occurs without air or with little air to convert biomass into charcoal. Coconut shell charcoal can be used for coal co-firing in developing new and renewable energy. This study aimed to obtain the best pyrolysis temperature and time in the manufacture of high-calorific value coconut shell charcoal in accordance with SNI 06-4369-1996. Coconut shell pyrolysis was carried out at temperatures of 350 °C, 450 °C and 550 °C and pyrolysis times of 2 hours, 3 hours and 4 hours. The results showed that charcoal with the highest calorific value was produced at a temperature of 450 °C and a pyrolysis time of 3 hours. The resulting charcoal had calorific value of 7,750.96 cal/g, yield of 30.10%, and contained 2.75% water, 2.70% ash and 9.50% volatile matter.


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