Komunika 2024-09-28T20:43:54+07:00 Dewi Kurniawati., M.Si., Ph.D Open Journal Systems <p>Komunika adalah jurnal ilmiah yang terbit dua kali dalam setahun, di bawah Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Sumatera Utara. KomunikA pertama kali terbit pada Maret 2004 dan hingga 2019 telah terbit sebanyak 16 (enam belas) edisi dalam bentuk cetak. <br />Kini, KomunikA akan dapat diakses pada versi digital dalam bentuk E-Journal. Redaksi KomunikA berharap, penerbitan konsisten dalam format digital, akan memudahkan pembaca seluruh Indonesia untuk mengakses dan mengunduh secara online artikel-artikel yang muncul pada jurnal KomunikA. Redakasi juga berharap mempublikasikan artikel-artikel yang berkualitas dan mencapai akreditasi jurnal di tingkat nasional</p> Cultural Shock for Journalists Transitioning from Print to Online Media 2024-08-29T16:12:45+07:00 Sofiari Ananda <p>The emergence of a new culture also occurs in the era of digital disruption. Digital media makes journalism undergo a transformation. In this context, technology can affect journalism in four ways, namely: a) the way journalists work in finding information; b) the nature of the news content; c) the organizational structure of the media in the newsroom; and d) the nature of the relationship between the media, reporters and a number of publics such as audiences, competitors, news sources, sponsors, and regulations that can control the press. In addition to the competence of journalists, organizational culture has also changed in line with efforts to adapt to digitalization. Cultural changes can be experienced by journalists who move from print media to online media. The journalists must adapt to the atmosphere, way and new work culture. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using observation and face-to-face interviews with informants. The research subjects were selected based on the required informant criteria using purposive sampling, namely journalists in Medan City who moved from print media to online media. Based on the research results, the third informant experienced the most significant cultural changes in the work atmosphere and work methods and culture. Cultural change can be seen through the dimension of culture shock; affective, behavioral, and cognitive. The process of the three informants in dealing with changes in work culture, can be analyzed using 4 stages in culture shock, namely: Honeymoon Stage, Rejection or Regression Stage, Adjustment or Negotiation Stage, Mastery Stage.</p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KomunikA Optimizing Extension Communication in The Prevention of Sexual Harrasment in Higher Education Institutions (Systematic Literature Review) 2024-09-19T15:03:53+07:00 Aulia Rahma Ritonga Muhammad Husni Thamrin Nur'aini <p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to optimize communication strategies for preventing sexual harassment in higher education institutions. Amid rising incidents of sexual harassment that threaten the safety and well-being of students, especially women aged 18-24, there is an urgent need for more effective interventions. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach, this research analyzes data from various scientific publications, official documents, and journals using content analysis techniques to identify main themes and categorize relevant information. The findings suggest that effective counseling communication strategies are crucial in preventing sexual harassment within higher education institutions. The study highlights the importance of education and awareness, development of interpersonal communication skills, provision of support resources, specialized training for facilitators, integration of a comprehensive sexual education curriculum, and the use of media and technology in counseling. These approaches aim to deepen understanding, enhance support for victims, and develop inclusive and effective prevention strategies. The discussion emphasizes the need for adapting communication strategies to match the cultural context and policies of each institution to enhance their effectiveness. Recommendations from this research include a holistic integration of approaches focusing on training, advocacy, and clear policies, as well as ongoing evaluation to assess and improve existing strategies, ensuring their effectiveness in preventing sexual harassment in university environments.</p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KomunikA UTILIZATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AS A MEDIUM FOR POLITICAL COMMUNICATION IN INDONESIA 2024-08-30T14:58:49+07:00 Jajang Nurzaman <p><em>Society</em><em> uses information technology to participate in politics in various ways. Problems that need to be considered in terms of cybersecurity, disinformation and hoaxes, unequal access and inadequate regulations. This study aims to identify and analyze the use of information technology as a political communication medium in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis techniques. Qualitative research methods are research approaches that are carried out descriptively, do not involve measurement, and aim to understand social phenomena in their natural context. This method focuses more on interpreting the meaning of the data obtained, as well as exploring a deep understanding of relationships and dynamics within a context. The results of the study found that information technology can be used as a political communication medium. This can be used by politicians, officials, political parties and the public in conveying their aspirations. However, on the other hand, this can give rise to the potential for cybercrime such as the spread of hoaxes, sara-based bullying and other cybercrimes.</em></p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KomunikA Instagram Content Analysis on @kualanamu.airport Account as Company Branding Media 2024-08-29T16:04:11+07:00 Ismaliyah Yusuf Rangkuti Yanti Setianti Waska Warta <p><em>Kualanamu International Airport Deli Serdang utilizes Instagram social media as the main media in disseminating information and education related to airports and flights to the public consistently. in disseminating information and education related to airports and flights to the public consistently and periodically through Instagram. and periodically through account @kualanamu.airport. The utilization of social media is carried out as a branding effort the company to the public. So the author focuses on this analysis on the Instagram content presented by the @kualanamu.airport account which aims to find out the content classification and follower algorithm in accessing the content provided. content provided. This research uses qualitative methods of non-participant observation and literature study. The results of the analysis found entertainment, education, collaboration, and information content during the observation period of the @kualanamu.airport account, Kualanamu Airport Public Relations through this account is considered successful in shaping brand awareness to the public. brand awareness to the public, thus increasing public satisfaction and public understanding in using air transportation. However, the infographics displayed on information content on @kualanamu.airport are not all equipped with easily recognizable thumbnails. that are easily recognizable. </em></p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KomunikA Brand Awareness Communication Strategy in Setujuan Coffee Marketing on Instagram Social Media 2024-09-19T15:32:30+07:00 Noviawan Rasyid Ohorella Dewita Fauziah Maulana Andinata Dalimunthe <p>This research aims to find out the marketing communications of Kopi Setujuant in increasing brand awareness and to find out about the marketing promotions of Kopi Secepat on Instagram social media. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach with a constructivist paradigm. The theory used in this research is the Integrated Marketing Communication theory, this theory is used to see how the marketing promotion strategy is carried out at Kopi Secepat through Instagram social media to attract brand awareness. The data collection techniques used were direct observation, in-depth interviews, documentation and literature study. The results of this research show that coffee marketing communications can increase brand awareness through a design process such as determining the target audience, conducting in-depth research regarding the strategy you want to use, making comparisons with competitors who have the same market, and determining the goals of implementing the strategy with content output.</p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KomunikA The Influence Interpersonal Conflict and Group Collaboration To Skills Presentation Office Administrative Education Students Class of 2022 2024-08-29T15:58:54+07:00 Nadia Amelia Elyana Poluan Yulistira Situmorang Diah Permata Nadia Simangunsong <p>This Study entitled “The Influence Interpersonal Conflict and Group Cooperation To Skills Presentation Office Administrative Education Students Class of 2022.” Study This aim for analyze influence Interpersonal conflict and cooperation group to Skills presentation student. The theory used in study This is interpersonal conflict, cooperation, work team, presentation and skills presentation. Study This use method descriptive quantitative with technique determination sample use quota sampling technique. Data obtained based on interviews, observations and filling questionnaire to respondent. Population in research This is students of the Administrative Education study program Medan State University Class of 2022 office with total respondents as many as 56 people. Data analysis techniques used in study This that is using analytical models regression multiple. Research result This show that in a way simultaneous Interpersonal conflict and cooperation group influential significant to Skills presentation students, that is of 30.5%. Whereas in a way Partial Interpersonal conflict is not influential to Skills presentation student.</p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KomunikA The Intertwined Between Online Gambling and Online Loans (Qualitative Study of College Students in Medan City) 2024-09-27T17:03:15+07:00 Nurbani Haris Wijaya Sabilla Tri Ananda <p style="font-weight: 400;">Online loans are loans through online application or website with simple requirements. This could be a magnet for online gambler that have been singificanlty increased, especially in this research focus, among college students. This qualitative research aims to explain about the existence of online loans in generate temporary financial security for college students who plays online gambling in Medan City, as for online gambling, positively associated with online loans. Based on data that collected through interview and observation from several informants, it can be conluded that there are various online loans positions towards online gamblers. &nbsp;To begin with, online loans keeps online gamblers to play continuously since it provides sustainable financial resources. On the other hand, it also creates the anxiety among online gambler due to an inability to pay their online debts when the players defeated in online gambling and this situation leads to not only a financial stress among online gamblers, but also the addiction to play even more to gain a winning to pay their debts. This research also suggested that authorized party needs to emphasize a firm regulation about online gambling that can reduce the negative effect of both online gamblings and online loans that help to reduce the growth of negative association between online loans and online gamblings.</p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KomunikA The Influence of Changes in the Logo and Slogan of PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa on Achieving Brand Image Among Consumers in Medan City 2024-09-19T15:06:34+07:00 Abdul Gafur Iskandar Zulkarnain Suwardi Lubis <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of changing the logo and slogan of PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa on the achievement of brand image among Medan city consumers. The theory used in this study is the theory of communication, new media, advertising, brand, rebranding and brand image. The research method used is a quantitative method with explanatory research. The population in this study are consumers of theGojek application in the city of Medan. The sampling technique uses the Taro Yamane formula so that a total sample of 100 respondents is obtained with the sample criteria, namely consumers of the Gojek application in the city of Medan who know the changes to the Gojek logo andslogan. The data collection technique used in this study was field research by distributing questionnaires and library research. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing. The results showed that there was an effect of changing the logo and slogan of PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa on the achievement of brand image among Medancity consumers. The magnitude of the influence or the coefficient of determination of changes in the Gojek logo and slogan on brand imageachievement is 46.2%, which means the correlation is quite significant, </em><em>while the remaining 53.8% is the influence of other factors not examined in this study such as service quality, trust, reliability and speed.</em></p> <p> </p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 KomunikA