Koridor2024-11-06T13:24:42+07:00Ir. Nurlisa Ginting, M.Sc., Ph.D, Journal Systems<p>KORIDOR is a bilingual journal published twice a year by the Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering Universitas Sumatera Utara. We welcome academic research papers focused on but not limited to architectural design, architectural history, landscape architecture, urban design and planning, and building science. All publication will be free of charge. Articles and papers will be reviewed blindly by independent national and international reviewers who are experienced in their field.</p> <p>For template <a title="Template" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> Sekolah Autis Dengan Terapi Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Di Jakarta Selatan 2024-09-17T02:42:29+07:00Imelda Friscila<table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="70%"> <p>The increasing rate of autism cases calls for a holistic approach in the design of supportive educational environments for children on the autism spectrum. This study aims to design a special school for autism by applying Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy in South Jakarta, an area with the second highest rate of autism cases in the Jakarta area. The design approach integrates ABA principles into the architectural design, creating an environment that facilitates optimal learning and development for students with autism. Through site research and analysis, a strategic location in South Jakarta was selected to ensure accessibility and the development needs of children with autism are met. The design methodology includes literature study, user needs analysis, case data collection, and collaboration with experts in the field of special education and autism therapy. The design is expected to make a positive contribution to improving the quality of education and care for children with autism in Indonesia, as well as a therapy-based approach to an inclusive educational environment.</p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong> Autism School, ABA, South jakarta, Autism</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>Copyright (c) Space Requirement Analysis at the University of North Sumatra General Hospital2024-09-13T10:59:57+07:00HERMANTA SUSILA<p>Hospitals are places of activity that provide vital services to the community. In reality, most hospitals are faced with the problem of providing parking facilities. One of them is the difficulty of providing parking space facilities that match the actual level of demand. The aim of the research is to obtain information on parking demand by modelling car and motorcycle parking. The methods used are linear regression and non-linear regression methods. On poly days for car parking demand with the equation: <em>Y₁</em>=8.166×10-89× 41.386<em> X₁</em> and motorcycles with the equation: <em>Y₂</em>=7553.126-1112960.605/<em>X₁</em>, <em>Y₂</em>=6033.071-1392502.512/<em>X₂</em>, and <em>Y₂</em>=6389.337-1570378.771/<em>X₃</em>. On non-poly days for car parking demand with the equation: <em>Y₁</em>=868,250-3,250<em>X₂ </em>and motorcycles with the equation: <em>Y₂=-</em>457,000 + 6,000<em>X₄</em><em>.</em></p> <p>Keywords: Hospital, Parking, linear regression, nonlinear regression, parking needs.</p>Copyright (c) YOUTH CENTER DI WILAYAH JAKARTA GARDEN CITY, JAKARTA TIMUR DENGAN PENDEKATAN URBAN LIFESTYLE2024-09-08T12:30:33+07:00Rionaldi<p class="Isiabstrak"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">In the context of rapid urban development, the need for dynamic and inclusive public spaces is becoming increasingly important. The Youth Center with an Urban Lifestyle Approach is a study aimed at addressing this need, focusing on creating spaces that support activities, creativity, and social interaction among young people in urban areas. It also serves as a crucial element in the social and physical structure of the city.</span></p> <p class="Isiabstrak"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">The Urban Lifestyle Approach in this research emphasizes integrating the Youth Center into city life through the use of technology, flexible and adaptive design, as well as close connections with the urban environment, utilizing participatory design methods.</span></p> <p class="Isiabstrak"><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">The creation of multifunctional open spaces, the use of eco-friendly materials and green technology, as well as the development of programs that support skill-building, non-formal education, and social activities are also essential aspects. Moreover, the design concept highlights sustainability, accessibility, and connectivity with other city elements, allowing the Youth Center to function as a community hub that fosters intergenerational interaction and cultural diversity. It is expected that the Youth Center with this Urban Lifestyle Approach will not only be a gathering place for youth to express themselves but also an urban icon that enriches the city's social and cultural life.</span></p>Copyright (c) YOUTH CENTER DI WILAYAH JAKARTA GARDEN CITY, JAKARTA TIMUR DENGAN PENDEKATAN URBAN LIFESTYLE2024-09-01T06:21:05+07:00Rionaldi<p>Dalam konteks perkembangan urban yang pesat, kebutuhan akan ruang publik yang dinamis dan inklusif menjadi semakin penting. <em>Youth Center</em> dengan Pendekatan <em>Urban Lifestyle</em> merupakan sebuah studi yang bertujuan untuk merespons kebutuhan tersebut, dengan fokus pada penciptaan ruang yang mendukung aktivitas, kreativitas, dan interaksi sosial kalangan muda di area perkotaan. serta menjadi elemen penting dalam struktur sosial dan fisik kota.</p> <p>Pendekatan <em>Urban Lifestyle</em> dalam penelitian ini menekankan pada integrasi <em>Youth Center</em> ke dalam kehidupan kota, melalui pemanfaatan teknologi, desain yang fleksibel dan adaptif, serta keterkaitan erat dengan lingkungan urban. Melalui metode desain partisipatif.</p> <p>Dengan adanya penciptaan ruang terbuka yang multifungsi, penggunaan material ramah lingkungan dan teknologi hijau, serta pengembangan program yang mendukung pengembangan keterampilan, pendidikan non-formal, dan kegiatan sosial. Selain itu, konsep desain juga menitikberatkan pada aspek keberlanjutan, aksesibilitas, dan konektivitas dengan elemen kota lainnya, sehingga <em>Youth Center</em> dapat berfungsi sebagai pusat kegiatan komunitas yang mendorong interaksi antargenerasi dan keberagaman budaya. Diharapkan, <em>Youth Center</em> dengan Pendekatan <em>Urban Lifestyle</em> ini tidak hanya menjadi tempat berkumpul dan berekspresi bagi pemuda, tetapi juga ikon perkotaan yang memperkaya kehidupan sosial dan budaya kota.</p> <p> </p>Copyright (c) and Souvenir Center in Pematangsiantar City with Neo-Vernacular Architecture Approach2024-09-03T16:57:35+07:00Sara Vaneza Rachmawatisaravaneza002@gmail.comNurlisa<p>Tourists often look for authentic culinary experiences and want to bring home typical souvenirs from the places they visit. Pematangsiantar City, North Sumatra, which is a passageway city for tourists who want to visit Lake Toba, has a variety of culinary and souvenir options. The purpose of this research is to design a culinary and souvenir center in Pematangsiantar City with a neo-vernacular architectural approach. The method used in this design is a qualitative method through literature studies, field studies, and comparative studies that produce space requirements and criteria that will be used as the basis for the design. The results of this research will be the basis for designing a building complex with food stands, souvenir stands, eating and drinking areas, and public open spaces. The whole project is expected to improve the local economy, promote sustainable tourism, and strengthen the cultural identity of Pematangsiantar City.</p>2024-11-11T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Koridor