LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href="">LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research</a> is a peer-reviewed journal with the editorial board of scholars mainly in linguistics, applied linguistics, and literature. It is published three times in a year (January, May, and September) by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara. LingPoet does not charge any article processing charge.</p> en-US (Rahmadsyah Rangkuti) (Ely Hayati Nasution, S.S., M.Si.) Sun, 02 Jun 2024 09:17:46 +0700 OJS 60 Dogs in Batak Simalungun and English Proverbs <p>This article discusses dog metaphors in Batak Simalungun (BS) and English (ENG) proverbs. This study aims to identify the meaning features and interpret the perception of the people who speak both languages towards dogs reflected in their proverbs. The research used a qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected from two sources, namely written sources and oral sources. The data were analyzed with an anthropological linguistic approach, namely looking at the meaning features of dogs in both languages and interpreting them in the cultural context of the speakers. The results show that the dominating dog meaning feature in the proverbs of both languages is the nature of dogs. The meaning feature found in BS proverbs is only one meaning feature, which is about dog behavior. The dog meaning features in ENG proverbs have six meaning features, including dog traits (i.e., behavior, size, quality, and condition), body parts, position, age, dog day, and love for dogs. The things that influence the differences in the meaning features of dogs in the proverbs of the two languages consist of the speakers' environmental factors and social factors. The similarity of perception towards dogs in the culture of BS speakers and ENG speakers is the position of dogs, which are referred to as human friends and pets.</p> Putri Pridani Malau, Suhandano Copyright (c) 2024 LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Batak Traditional Houses as a Source of Ideas in the Creation of Written Batik <p>The source of the ideas underlying this research is the uniqueness and uniqueness of the traditional house ornaments of the Toba Batak, Malay, Karo, Simalungun, Pakpak, Mandailing, and Nias traditional houses. The interest that emanated from the form of traditional house ornaments gave rise to motivation and inspiration to explore, design, and create in the form of creative batik motifs in North Sumatra. Engineering the aesthetic elements of traditional Batak Toba, Malay, Karo, Simalungun, Pakpak, Mandailing and Nias traditional houses as a real business using a development research scheme. The creation process goes through three stages, namely exploration, design, and embodiment. The batik technique uses written batik on mori cotton cloth and coloring with the dab technique. The work is in the form of batik clothing. Batik clothing with the Pakpak Dairi traditional house applies this type of motif<em>conical inflorescence</em>,<em>perkupkup manun</em>,<em>siwaluh village</em>And<em>conical inflorescence</em>with the results of quality tests for modification of motifs, development of motifs, characteristics of motifs, neatness of cantings, coloring, and work models obtaining an average score of 90. Karo ornament batik applies the type of traditional house motif <em>siwaluh jabu</em>,<em>mangosteen pantil</em>,<em>close the dice</em>, And<em>cimba lau</em>, with the results of quality tests of motif modification, motif development, motif characteristics, print neatness, coloring, and work models obtaining an average value of 90.22. Simalungun ornament batik has a traditional house motif<em>stupid</em>,<em>hail putor</em>,<em>hair uow,</em>And<em>patundal thighs</em>with the results of quality tests of motif modification, motif development, motif characteristics, print neatness, coloring, and work models obtaining an average value of 88.91. Toba Batak ornament batik has viz<em>bolon house</em>,<em>simataniari</em>,<em>simeol-eol</em>And<em>ipon-ipon</em>with the results of quality tests of motif modification, motif development, motif characteristics, print neatness, coloring, and work models obtaining an average value of 90.27. Mandailing ornament batik applies a type of motif<em>goddamn good</em>in <em>jungleagodang</em>mandailing,<em>Burangir, Bindu, Gimbang</em>and lotus flowers with the results of quality tests on motif modification, motif development, motif characteristics, inscription neatness, coloring, and work model obtaining an average score of 89.88. Nias ornamental batik has motifs such as:<em>omg hada</em>,<em>niotalinga woli-woli</em>,<em>niotalakhoi</em>(<em>niotawolo</em>),<em>niohuluyo, niogama and niosolafiga</em>with the results of quality tests of motif modification, motif development, motif characteristics, print neatness, coloring, and work models obtaining an average value of 89.38.</p> Wahyu Tri Armojo, Misgiya Copyright (c) 2024 LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Study of Character and Narrative Function in The Fall of Gondolin by J.R.R Tolkien: A Narratology Criticism <p>This study focuses on narratology in the novel <em>The Fall of Gondolin</em> by J.R.R. Tolkien, specifically exploring the character and narrative function. The main objective is to identify and analyze the development of the characters by identifying and analyzing the thirty-one narrative functions present in the story. The study adopts a qualitative descriptive method, using the narrative sections from <em>The Fall of Gondolin</em> as the data source. Through this approach, the author describes and explains the narrative functions and character types found in Tolkien's work. The findings of the study reveal fourteen narrative functions: absence, delivery, trickery, reconnaissance, wedding, departure, struggle, rescue, connective incident, beginning counteraction, guidance, receipt of magical agent, villainy, and six types of characters: hero, villain, princess, donor, helper, and dispatcher, as proposed by Vladimir Propp. The study's results demonstrate that the data related to narrative functions can be formulated and used to identify various character types, such as hero, princess, villain, helper, dispatcher, donor, and false hero. These character types can be analyzed by combining the collected data in accordance with the theoretical framework.</p> miftahur roifah, Erfin Sugiono Copyright (c) 2024 LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 An Analysis of the Types of Feedback Provided by the Lecturers: Students’ Perceived <p>This study aims to learn more about lecturers' different types of providing feedback to students. A qualitative-descriptive analysis was carried out to apply it.&nbsp; Questionnaire was used to collect the information, and its goal was to determine how the English lecturer gives feedback to students in learning the language. The researcher found that English lecturers used many different kinds of feedback during this research, which refers to Wulandary’s (2017) and Ellis’ (2017) theory. They made use of each sort of feedback. However, it should be solicited in the first place. In addition, the lecturers provided students with written suggestions regarding how they might improve. The first is the amount of direct corrective feedback, which was the highest. When students write something wrong in English class, their lecturers will give them immediate feedback through written comments.</p> Cut Intan Metia, Fadhillah Wiandari, Indah Sartika Copyright (c) 2024 LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 A Structural Perspective on Faith and Values in Hamka’s Literary Body of Work <p><em>Da’wah</em>, derived from Arabic, refers to the act of extending an invitation. Consequently, it encompasses the notion of persuading individuals to embrace the Islamic faith. <em>Da’wah</em> also seeks to encourage Muslims to adhere steadfastly to religious tenets. This invitation can be conducted using a multitude of methods. In this essay, the researchers contend that novels can serve as a potent means of <em>da’wah</em>. As an example, the works of Indonesian author Hamka were examined. The study of Hamka’s writings in relation to <em>da’wah</em> was conducted through the application of a structuralist and semiotic approach. We have found that these novels have a substantial readership and that they aim to conceptualise the world’s sufferings by creating binary pairs of oppositions. Within numerous narratives, the juxtaposition of opposing elements often reaches its climax in the concept of mortality, thus accentuating the true significance of existence. The readers will comprehend that their earthly existence is nearing its conclusion. Additionally, it was found that Hamka utilised a nuanced approach to imparting Islamic ideas: The primary figures in his literary works often provide guidance or communicate religious knowledge.</p> Alexander Stark, Balazs Huszka Copyright (c) 2024 Fri, 31 May 2024 00:00:00 +0700 English's Impact on Life as A Global Language: The Viewpoint of Teenagers <p>Given that English is currently the most extensively utilized language globally, its importance cannot be dismissed or underestimated. This is because English is the most prevalent language spoken everywhere. Both consistent practice and patience are required in order to learn English. To advance in one's life, it is essential to have a working knowledge of the English language. It is the most important viewpoint of the contemporary world. Due to the prevalence of English as the primary language for communication worldwide, particularly among youth, this study focused on the impact that English has as a global language. The focus of this study was to explore what factors are contributing to why teenagers should learn English and the reasons why they had been learning English since earlier age. Teenagers were under the impression that all languages would eventually compete with English for the position of world language. It is anticipated that the future of English will provide us with a path to follow in how we conduct our operations in connection to the potential future of English. For millions of people all around the world, English is rapidly becoming an essential fundamental skill.</p> Chintia Dewi Sukri, Anggita Bella Afrilla Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The use of speech act during 2024 President Candidates Electoral Debate <p>This research aims to examine the use of speech acts carried out during the 2024 President Electoral Debate, using Pragmatic and Grounded theory approaches by analyzing phrases that contain all type of speech acts. The study analyses all three presidential candidates in the 2024 President Candidates Debate. Through a systemic analysis, the article sheds light on the linguistic strategies employed by each candidate to convey their messages to the public. The findings contribute to the understanding of the speech act’s importance in communicating one’s message, specifically during the Presidential Candidates Debate</p> Copyright (c) 2024 LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Use of Academic Words amongst Sanata Dharma Univeristy’s ELESP Students Batch 2020 <p>Understanding how to use academic words is crucial and essential for university students. This is intended so that students can communicate their thoughts effectively by utilizing accurate academic words that fit the context. However, analyzing written work can be one technique to measure students’ proficiency with academic words. In this article, the author goes over percentages as well as examples of how academic words have been used in an academic writing by the students of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) by using a software called AntWordProfiller as a vocabulary profiler tool for this corpus-based analysis study. The study's findings indicated that on average, students’ academic writing covered 10% of the total AWL, which means that the academic writing have employed a good amount of academic words. This research also adds to the understanding of how non-native English language learners use academic words in their academic writing.</p> <p> </p> Chiara Puspa Luig, F.X Ouda Teda Ena Copyright (c) 2024 LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research Sun, 02 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0700