SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal <p>SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal is a medical student scientific journal from SCORE PEMA FK USU (Standing Committee on Research Exchange of Student Government Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra). SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal is one of the SCORE PEMA FK USU icons that works together with many reviewers to support the quality and validity of a manuscript. Initially, in 2009, SCORE PEMA FK USU formed a medical student journal with the name of JIMKI (Indonesian Medical Student Scientific Journal). Then for some reason, the management of JIMKI has been moved to BAPIN-ISMKI authority (National Scientific Analysis and Development Agency-Indonesian Medical Student Senate Association). Subsequently, in 2011 a new journal was formed with the name of SCRIPTA by SCORE PEMA FK USU. Since 2016 until now, the SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal was published in 1 volume with 2 numbers every year in February and August that can be accessed <a href="">here</a>. SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal consists of 5-8 manuscripts with types of manuscripts such as research, literature review, and case reports in each volume. Publications from the SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal can be accessed offline (pISSN <a href="">2088-8686</a>) on printed SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal magazine or online (eISSN <a href="">2686-0864</a>) through the SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal (<a href=""></a>)</p> en-US <div id="coptf"> <p align="justify">Authors who publish with SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li class="show"><span lang="EN-GB">Authors retain copyright and grant SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a <a title="CC BY NC" href="" target="_self">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License</a> that allows others to remix, adapt, build upon the work non-commercially with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal.</span></li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted to copy and redistribute the journal's published version of the work non-commercially (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in SCRIPTA SCORE Scientific Medical Journal.</li> </ol> </div> (Liza Chairina Balchya Lubis) (Lira Haniya Sinta Beru Singarimbun) Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Front & Back Matter Copyright (c) 2024 Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Diagnosis Tiroiditis Hashimoto pada Seorang Wanita dengan Hipotiroidisme Subklinis dan Trombositopenia: Laporan Kasus <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p><strong>Background</strong>: Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (TH) is a variety of autoimmune thyroid disorders. It discovered incidentally, asymptomatic and generally normal thyroid profile, therefore it might adventurous to be diagnosed. Objectives: To describe establishing TH diagnosis in a woman with subclinical hypothyroidism and thrombocytopenia. Case Illustration: A woman, 46 years old, referred fatigue, joints pain and neck lump for about ± a year, physical examination was found diffuse goiter, USG examination was found TIRADS 2, laboratory examination was found thrombocytopenia, euthyroid, anti-TPO 203,8 IU/mL. Discussion: USG was concluded solid lesion visualized typical thyroiditis without FNAB required and anti-TPO results was appropriate with TH predictor&gt;121,0 IU/ml. Numerous of studies showed TH which occurred with secondary immune thrombocytopenia. Conclusion: Subclinical hypothyroidism which presented diffuse goiter and higher normal TSH required USG and anti-TPO examination for established its diagnosis. Persistent thrombocytopenia might be suspected as autoimmune thyroid disorder especially whether presented goiter.</p> </div> </div> </div> <p><strong>Latar Belakang: </strong>Tiroiditis Hashimoto (TH) merupakan penyakit autoimun kelenjar tiroid. Penyakit ini ditemukan secara insidental, asimptomatik dan umumnya profil tiroid dalam batas normal sehingga mendiagnosisnya menjadi tantangan tersendiri. <strong>Tujuan:</strong> Menjelaskan penegakan diagnosis TH pada wanita dengan hipotiroidisme subklinis dan trombositopenia. <strong>Ilustrasi Kasus:</strong> Seorang wanita 46 tahun mengeluhkan cepat lelah, linu, benjolan leher selama ±1 tahun, pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan goiter difus, pemeriksaan USG didapatkan TIRADS 2, pemeriksaan laboratorium didapatkan trombositopenia, eutiroid, anti-TPO 203,8 IU/mL. <strong>Pembahasan:</strong> USG disimpulkan lesi solid mengesankan tiroiditis tanpa perlu FNAB dan anti-TPO sesuai dengan prediktor TH &gt;121,0 IU/ml. Banyak studi menyebutkan TH yang disertai <em>immune thrombocytopenia</em> sekunder. <strong>Kesimpulan:</strong> Hipotiroidisme subklinis berupa goiter difus dan TSH sedikit meningkat perlu dilakukan USG dan anti-TPO untuk penegakan diagnosisnya. Trombositopenia persisten dapat dicurigai penyakit autoimun tiroid terutama bila terdapat goiter.</p> Devi Aulia Cahyani, Annisa Nur Masita Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Aulia Cahyani, Annisa Nur Masita Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sigmoid Volvulus in An Adolescent Female With Colitis: A Rare Case Report <p><strong><em>Introduction</em></strong><strong>:</strong> Sigmoid volvulus among pediatric patients is a rare occurrence. <strong><em>Case</em>:</strong> A 13-year-old pediatric female presented to hospital’s emergency department with abdominal pain, nausea, and inability to defecate for three days. No fever or vomiting was reported. She had a multiple episodes of constipation and was menstruating. Physical examination suggested bowel obstruction. Plain abdominal radiograph showed diffuse colon dilation with minimal small bowel and pelvic gas. Abdominal contrast CT revealed severe large bowel dilatation with redundancy from the cecum to the rectosigmoid area, along with a "whirl sign" as the diagnostic feature. Colon in-loop procedure revealed stenosis at the sigmoid-descending colonic junction due to volvulus with partial obstructive ileus. The diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus was confirmed and subsequently the patient underwent an endoscopic decompression procedure. Colitis was visualized during endoscopy. Symptoms completely resolved the following day and her parents requested discharge two days after the procedure. <strong><em>Discussion</em>:</strong> Sigmoid volvulus is a potential differential diagnosis in children with symptoms of bowel obstruction. Physicians and radiologists should remain vigilant to avoid morbidity and mortality resulting from delayed and untreated cases. <strong><em>Conclusion</em>:</strong> Thorough clinical, radiological, and histopathologic investigations play a crucial role in preventing treatment delays. It is important to be aware of uncommon causes of abdominal pain in the pediatric age group.</p> <p><em>Keywords</em>: <strong>decompression, pediatric, radiology, rare case, sigmoid volvulus</strong></p> <p><strong><em>Latar Belakang:</em></strong> Volvulus sigmoid pada pasien anak merupakan kasus yang jarang. <strong><em>Presentasi</em> <em>Kasus:</em></strong> Remaja perempuan berusia 13 tahun datang ke Instalasi Gawat Darurat rumah sakit dengan keluhan nyeri perut, mual, dan tidak dapat buang air besar sejak tiga hari yang lalu. Keluhan demam dan muntah disangkal. Terdapat riwayat konstipasi berulang serta pasien saat ini sedang menstruasi. Pemeriksaan fisik mengarah adanya obstruksi saluran cerna. Foto polos abdomen menunjukkan adanya dilatasi kolon difus dengan gas minimal di usus kecil dan area pelvis. CT-scan abdomen dengan kontras menunjukkan dilatasi kolon signifikan disertai adanya redundansi dari sekum hingga area rektosigmoid dan tampak <em>“whirl sign”</em> sebagai fitur diagnostik yang sensitif. Hasil <em>colon-in-loop</em> menunjukkan adanya stenosis pada area pertemuan antara kolon sigmoid dan kolon desenden akibat volvulus dengan ileus obstruksi parsial. Diagnosis volvulus sigmoid ditegakkan dan pasien menjalani prosedur dekompresi endoskopi setelahnya. Kolitis tervisualisasi saat prosedur. Keluhan membaik seluruhnya pada keesokan hari dan orang tua pasien meminta pasien dipulangkan dua hari post-prosedur. <strong><em>Diskusi:</em> </strong>Volvulus sigmoid merupakan diagnosis diferensial yang potensial pada anak dengan gejala obstruksi saluran cerna. Klinisi dan radiolog harus selalu waspada demi menghindari morbiditas dan mortalitas akibat kasus yang lambat maupun tidak tertangani. <strong><em>Kesimpulan:</em> </strong>Pemeriksaan fisik, radiologis, serta histopatologis yang menyeluruh memainkan peranan penting dalam mencegah keterlambatan penanganan. Kasus ini menekankan pentingnya kewaspadaan terhadap suatu penyebab tidak umum kasus nyeri perut pada populasi anak.</p> <p> </p> Edwin Satya Jaya Putra, Rosy Setiawati Copyright (c) 2024 Edwin Satya Jaya Putra, Rosy Setiawati Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Tuberkulosis Gumma pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru <p><strong>Background: </strong>Tuberculosis (TB) gumma (metastatic tuberculous abscess) is a rare form of cutaneous TB, generally occurring in malnourished and immunocompromised patient. <strong>Case</strong>: A 24 year old man with a chief complaint of ulcers accompanied by a thick pigmented crusts on the neck and left abdomen without pain since 3 months ago. Initially, 6 months ago a small skin coloured lump the size of a green bean seed arised on the stomach and neck, not itchy or painful. One month later, the mass got bigger, ulcerated, and pus drainage were seen. The patient was also currently diagnosed with pulmonary TB. Dermatological examination showed an ulcer with a diameter of 10 cm with crusts and pus with irregular edges and hyperpigmentation in the left colli region and an ulcer with a diameter of 15 cm with crusts and pus with irregular edges and hyperpigmentation in the left lumbar region. The results of histopathological examination of the dermis showed fibrocollagenous connective tissue with infiltration of inflammatory lymphocytes and PMN cells, localized clusters of epithelioid cells with central necrosis and Langhans multinucleated giant cells were found. <strong>Discussion</strong>: Gumma tuberculosis is a multibacillary variant of cutaneous TB with a focus on hematogenous spread. Antituberculosis drugs are given according to the phase and the dose is according to the patient's body weight. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: A case of gumma tuberculosis has been reported in an immunocompetent young adult patient with pulmonary tuberculosis. The prognosis in patients is generally good.</p> <div> <p class="Isiabstrak"><strong>Pendahuluan</strong>: Tuberkulosis (TB) gumma (abses tuberkulosis metastatik) adalah bentuk TB kutis yang jarang, umumnya terjadi pada keadaan malnutrisi dan imunokompromais. <strong>Kasus</strong>: Seorang laki-laki berusia 24 tahun dengan keluhan utama luka borok disertai dengan keropeng hitam yang tebal pada leher dan perut kiri yang tanpa rasa nyeri sejak 3 bulan lalu. Awalnya, 6 bulan yang lalu pasien merasakan adanya benjolan kecil seukuran biji kacang hijau pada perut dan leher yang sewarna kulit dan tidak terasa gatal maupun nyeri. Satu bulan setelahnya benjolan dirasakan semakin membesar kemudian pecah dan mengeluarkan nanah. Pasien saat ini juga didiagnosis dengan TB paru. Dari pemeriksaan dermatologis tampak ulkus dengan diameter 10 cm disertai krusta dan pus dengan tepi ireguler dan hiperpigmentasi pada regio colli sinistra dan ulkus dengan diameter 15 cm disertai krusta dan pus dengan tepi ireguler dan hiperpigmentasi pada regio lumbalis sinistra. Hasil histopatologis dari jaringan regio abdomen dekstra menunjukan bagian dermis terdiri dari jaringan ikat fibrokolageneus dengan infiltrasi sel-sel radang limfosit dan PMN, setempat tampak kelompokan sel-sel epiteloid dengan nekrosis sentral dan dijumpai Langhans multinucleated giant cell. <strong>Diskusi</strong>: Tuberkulosis gumma merupakan varian multibasiler dari TB kutis dengan fokus penyebaran secara hematogen. Obat antituberkulosis (OAT) diberiksan sesuai fase dan dosis disesuaikan dengan berat badan pasien. <strong>Kesimpulan</strong>: Telah dilaporkan satu kasus tuberkulosis gumma pada pasien dewasa muda imunokompeten yang mengalami tuberkulosis paru. Prognosis pada pasien umumnya baik.</p> </div> Fitri Meutia Donytasari, Dina Arwina Dalimunthe, Remenda Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Fitri Meutia Donytasari, Dina Arwina Dalimunthe, Remenda Siregar Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peranan Mikrobiota Usus Manusia Golongan Bakteri Asam Laktat Sebagai Sumber Produksi Potensial dalam Manajemen Terapi Diabetes Melitus Tipe 1 pada Anak <p><strong>Pendahuluan: </strong>Diabetes melitus tipe-1 (DMT-1) adalah penyakit autoimun kronis yang menyebabkan tubuh tidak dapat memproduksi insulin dalam kadar yang cukup. Menurut <em>international diabetes federation </em>(IDF) melaporkan secara global penderita diabetes melitus tipe-1 mencapai 8,75 juta orang dimana sebanyak 1,52 juta orang (17%) berusia di bawah 20 tahun. Angka mortalitas mencapai 18.105 kematian dari jumlah insiden 1,55 juta. Sedangkan di Indonesia jumlah kasus ini mencapai 41.817 penduduk sehingga menempati posisi teratas di ASEAN. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah inovasi manajemen terapi diabetes melitus tipe-1 terkhususnya pada anak yang memiliki keunggulan baik dalam pengobatan maupun produksi. <strong>Metode: </strong>Studi ini berupa kajian literatur yang bersumber dari beberapa pencarian internet yakni <em>PubMed</em>, <em>Science Direct</em>, <em>ProQuest</em>, <em>Lancet</em>, <em>Google Schoolar</em>, <em>Garuda, Sage, </em>dan <em>EBSCOHost</em>. Kajian ini disusun melalui beberapa tahap diantaranya identifikasi, skrining, dan pemenuhan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Terdapat 8 artikel dari 611 artikel yang memenuhi kriteria. <strong>Pembahasan: </strong>Beberapa bakteri kelompok asam laktat sudah diuji klinis dan didapatkan hasil yang berpengaruh pada kontrol glikemik pasien diabetes melitus tipe-1. Perbaikan ditunjukkan pada kadar gula darah puasa, 2 jam <em>postprandial</em>, HbA1C, bahkan juga mempengaruhi C-peptida dan kadar insulin yang dibutuhkan pasien diabetes melitus tipe-1. Rute pemberian probiotik yang dilakukan juga cukup sederhana melalui oral, kecuali pada intervensi penggunaan <em>fecal microbiota transplantation</em> melalui injeksi. <strong>Kesimpulan:</strong> Bakteri asam laktat mempengaruhi kadar gula darah pasien, HbA1C, C-peptida, dan kadar insulin yang dibutuhkan pasien. Interval waktu pemberian probiotik juga mempengaruhi efek klinis yang diharapkan.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Introduction: </em></strong><em>Type-1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the body to not produce enough insulin. According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), globally, there are 8.75 million people with type 1 diabetes mellitus, with 1.52 million (17%) of them being under 20 years old. The mortality rate reaches 18,105 deaths out of 1.55 million incidents. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, the number of cases reaches 41,817, placing it at the top position in ASEAN. Therefore, an innovative management approach for type 1 diabetes mellitus therapy, especially in children, is needed, which excels both in treatment and production. </em><strong><em>Methods: </em></strong><em>This study is a literature review sourced from several internet searches including PubMed, Science Direct, ProQuest, Lancet, Google Scholar, Garuda, Sage, and EBSCOHost. The study was conducted through several stages including identification, screening, and fulfillment of inclusion and exclusion criteria. There are 8 articles out of 611 articles that met the criteria.</em><strong><em> Discussion: </em></strong><em>Several lactic acid bacteria have been clinically tested and shown to have an effect on glycemic control in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients. Improvements are evident in fasting blood sugar levels, 2-hour postprandial levels, HbA1C, and even affect C-peptide and insulin levels required by type 1 diabetes mellitus patients. The administration route of probiotics is also quite simple, usually oral, except for interventions involving fecal microbiota transplantation via injection. </em><strong><em>Conclusion</em></strong><em>: Lactic acid bacteria affect patients' blood sugar levels, HbA1C, C-peptide, and the insulin levels required by patients. The timing interval of probiotic administration also affects the expected clinical effects.</em></p> Nindy Putri Amalia, Bima Diokta Alparisi, Riski Dimas, Dewi Anggraini Copyright (c) 2024 Nindy Putri Amalia, Bima Diokta Alparisi, Riski Dimas, Dewi Anggraini Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Suami dalam Mendukung ASI Ekslusif dan Kaitannya dalam Penurunan Angka Stres pada Ibu Menyusui: sebuah Literatur Review <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p><strong>Background</strong>: Exclusive breastfeeding provides many benefits for mothers and babies, including protecting the baby's digestive system and preventing diarrhea and infection. In everyday life, exclusive breastfeeding has an impact on a mother's psychological condition, as a result of which breastfeeding mothers cause stress. Family support, especially the husband, can provide motivation for breastfeeding activities. <strong>Objectives</strong>: To find out the role of husbands in supporting exclusive breastfeeding and its relationship to reducing stress in breastfeeding mothers. <strong>Methods</strong>: This research uses a literature review method with 5 related scientific articles. Husband's support consists of several forms, such as emotional, physical, planning and informational support. <strong>Discussion</strong>: A wife must have all this support so that she can maximize exclusive breastfeeding for her child, although several studies show that support from a man is not the only factor in the absence of breast milk, because there are other factors that can reduce it. Husband's support can provide a wife with a feeling of comfort, love and respect so that children's growth and development becomes optimal, stress is reduced or disappeared and household harmony is maintained. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Husbands have an important role in supporting the process of exclusive breastfeeding, especially in reducing stress levels in breastfeeding mother.</p> </div> </div> </div> <p><strong>Latar Belakang:</strong> ASI Eksklusif adalah pemberian ASI saja kepada bayi tanpa makanan atau minuman lain, kecuali vitamin, mineral, obat-obatan, dan garam rehidrasi oral. Pemberian ASI eksklusif memberikan banyak manfaat bagi ibu dan bayi, termasuk melindungi sistem pencernaan bayi serta mencegah diare dan infeksi. Pemberian ASI ekslusif berdampak pada keadaan psikis seorang ibu akibatnya ibu menyusui menjadi stres. Pentingnya dukungan keluarga terhadap suami dapat memberikan motivasi terhadap kegiatan menyusui. <strong>Tujuan:</strong> untuk mengetahui peran suami dalam mendukung ASI ekslusif dan kaitannya terhadap penurunan stres pada ibu menyusui. <strong>Metode:</strong> Penelitian ini menggunakan metode <em>literature review </em>dengan 5 artikel ilmiah terkait. Dukungan suami terdiri dari beberapa bentuk, seperti dukungan emosional, fisik, perencanaan, dan informasional. <strong>Diskusi:</strong> Segala dukungan tersebut harus dimiliki oleh seorang istri agar dirinya dapat memaksimalkan pemberian ASI eksklusif kepada anaknya, meskipun beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan dari seorang pria bukanlah satu-satunya faktor tidak adanya ASI, karena ada faktor lain yang dapat menurunkannya. Dukungan suami dapat memberikan rasa nyaman, dicintai, dan dihargai bagi istri sehingga tumbuh kembang anak menjadi optimal, stres menjadi berkurang ataumenghilang  dan terjaganya keharmonisan rumah tangga. <strong>Kesimpulan:</strong> Suami memiliki peran penting dalam mendukung proses pemberian ASI ekslusif terutama dalam menurunkan angka stres pada istri yang menyusui.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Fauzan Azmi Hasti Habibi Samosir, Muhammad Afif Rabbaanee, Bertrand Matahari Pustahasakti Siagian, Alya Anazwa Sinaga, Nashwa Zahra Putri Adlind Pasaribu, Bernard Bintang Pustahabima Siagian Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzan Azmi Hasti Habibi Samosir, Muhammad Afif Rabbaanee, Bertrand Matahari Pustahasakti Siagian, Alya Anazwa Sinaga, Nashwa Zahra Putri Adlind Pasaribu, Bernard Bintang Pustahabima Siagian Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Effects of the Parental Stepping Stone Triple P Program on Parental Mental Health and Disruptive Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis <p><strong>Background</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may face several challenges. Implementation of the Stepping Stone Triple P (SSTP) for parents proved to have an effect on reducing parents’ negative emotions and children’s disruptive behavior. However, some studies state otherwise. </span><strong>Objective</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: This study aims to assess the impact of the SSTP on parents’ negative emotions and disruptive behavior in children with ASD. </span><strong>Methods</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Independent searching from databases conducted using a pre-registration search strategy until November 2023. The ROB 2.0 tool was used to assess the risk of bias in the results of the studies. The results were analyzed with vote counting and meta analysis. The quality of evidence was analyzed using GRADE and publication bias was checked using forest plots. </span><strong>Results</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Vote-counting analysis from 11 studies (939 populations) show that SSTP has a positive impact. Meta-analysis was found that SSTP can reduce the level of negative emotions [MD 1.14 (95% CI -1.73 to -0.55) and I</span><sup><span style="font-weight: 400;">2</span></sup><span style="font-weight: 400;"> = 0%] and children's disruptive behavior [MD 6.31 (95% CI -7.84 to -4.78) and I</span><sup><span style="font-weight: 400;">2</span></sup><span style="font-weight: 400;"> = 68 %] and still consistent after subgroup analysis resulting in 8 study arms. The quality of the evidence was moderate and publication bias was not detected. </span><strong>Conclusion</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">: Most research supports that SSTP has an impact on reducing negative emotions and disruptive behavior in children with ASD. Further research with alternative parameters is still needed. To reduce bias, a randomization method according to the protocol must be applied</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Latar Belakang</em></strong><em>: Orang tua anak dengan Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) mungkin menghadapi beberapa tantangan. Penerapan Stepping Stone Triple P (SSTP) pada orang tua terbukti memberikan pengaruh dalam mengurangi emosi negatif orang tua dan perilaku disruptif anak. Namun, beberapa penelitian menyatakan sebaliknya. <strong>Tujuan</strong>: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai dampak SSTP terhadap emosi negatif orang tua dan perilaku disruptif anak penderita ASD. <strong>Metode</strong>: Peninjau secara independen mencari studi dari database menggunakan strategi pencarian pra-pendaftaran hingga November 2023. ROB 2.0 digunakan untuk menilai risiko bias hasil penelitian. Hasilnya dianalisis dengan vote counting dan meta analisis. Kualitas bukti dianalisis menggunakan GRADE dan bias publikasi diperiksa menggunakan Forest Plot. <strong>Hasil</strong>: Analisis penghitungan suara dari 11 penelitian (939 populasi) menunjukkan bahwa SSTP cenderung mengurangi emosi negatif pada orang tua yang memiliki anak ASD, perilaku mengganggu pada anak, dan disfungsi pengasuhan. Meta-analisis menemukan bahwa SSTP dapat menurunkan tingkat emosi negatif [MD 1.14 (95% CI -1.73 hingga -0.55) dan I<sup>2</sup> = 0%], dan perilaku mengganggu anak [MD 6.31 (95% CI -7.84 hingga -4.78) dan I<sup>2</sup> = 68 %] dan masih konsisten setelah analisis sub kelompok menghasilkan 8 kelompok penelitian. Kualitas buktinya moderat dan bias publikasi tidak terdeteksi. <strong>Kesimpulan</strong>: Sebagian besar penelitian mendukung bahwa SSTP berdampak pada pengurangan emosi negatif dan perilaku mengganggu pada anak ASD. Penelitian lebih lanjut dengan parameter alternatif masih diperlukan. Untuk mengurangi bias, metode pengacakan sesuai protokol harus diterapkan.</em></p> Janveri Balige Simanjuntak, Erin Tasya Sinaga, Kelvin Wahana Anugrah Manurung Copyright (c) 2024 Janveri Balige Simanjuntak, Erin Tasya Sinaga, Kelvin Wahana Anugrah Manurung Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Terhadap SIkap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Tentang Penggolongan Obat Tradisional di Indonesia di Kecamatan Medan Tembung <p><strong>Pendahuluan.</strong> Keanekaragaman hayati Indonesia sangat tinggi, terdapat sekitar 30.000 spesies tumbuhan di Indonesia yang memiliki khasiat obat atau bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional. Pengobatan tradisional telah lama menjadi bagian esensial dari sistem pengobatan di Indonesia. BPOM pada tahun 2004 menggolongkan obat tradisional berdasarkan uji klinis menjadi jamu, obat herbal terstandar, dan fitofarmaka. <strong>Tujuan.</strong> Menganalisis hubungan tingkat pengetahuan terhadap sikap dan perilaku masyarakat tentang penggolongan obat tradisional di Indonesia di Kecamatan Medan Tembung <strong>Metode penelitian</strong>. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional analitik dengan pendekatan<em> cross-sectional. </em>Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan instrumen kuesioner yang berisikan pertanyaan untuk mengukur tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari masyarakat di Kecamatan Medan Tembung sebanyak 105 orang yang dipilih melalui <em>consecutive sampling</em>. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dengan metode analisis berupa uji korelasi Chi-<em>square</em>. <strong>Hasil dan Diskusi.</strong> Data hasil penelitian dari 105 orang sampel didapatkan bahwa terdapat 70 orang (66,7%) dengan tingkat pengetahuan yang kurang, 100 orang (95,2%) dengan sikap yang baik, dan 78 orang (74,3%) dengan perilaku yang baik. Hasil analisis bivariat didapatkan 66 orang (62,8%) dengan tingkat pengetahuan kurang tetapi memiliki sikap baik 52 orang (49,5%), dengan tingkat pengetahuan kurang tetapi perilakunya baik, sehingga berdasarkan karakteristik responden tersebut didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara tingkat pendidikan dengan tingkat pengetahuan dengan nilai p = 0,042 dan pekerjaan dengan perilaku didapatkan nilai p = 0,009 responden. <strong>Kesimpulan.</strong> Tidak ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan tentang penggolongan obat tradisional di Indonesia dengan sikap dan perilaku masyarakat di Kecamatan Medan Tembung dikarenakan sebagian besar masyarakat masih menerapkan <em>compliance</em>.</p> <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. Indonesia's biodiversity is very high, there are around 30,000 plant species in Indonesia that have medicinal properties or can be used as traditional medicine. Traditional medicine has long been an essential part of the medical system in Indonesia. In 2004, BPOM classified traditional medicines based on clinical trials into herbal medicines, standardized herbal medicines and phytopharmacies. <strong>Objective</strong>. Analyzing the relationship between the level of knowledge and community attitudes and behavior regarding the classification of traditional medicines in Indonesia in Medan Tembung District. <strong>Research method</strong>. This research is an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional approach. Research data was collected using a questionnaire instrument containing questions to measure the level of knowledge, attitudes and behavior. The research sample consisted of 105 people in Medan Tembung District who were selected through consecutive sampling. The data used is primary data with the analysis method in the form of the Chi-square correlation test. <strong>Results and Discussion.</strong> Research data from 105 sample people showed that there were 70 people (66.7%) with a poor level of knowledge, 100 people (95.2%) with good attitudes, and 78 people (74.3%) with good behavior. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that 66 people (62.8%) had a low level of knowledge but had a good attitude, 52 people (49.5%), with a low level of knowledge but good behavior, so that based on the characteristics of these respondents, a significant relationship was found between the level of education and level of knowledge with a value of p = 0.042 and work with behavior obtained a value of p = 0.009 for respondents. <strong>Conclusion</strong>. There is no relationship between the level of knowledge about the classification of traditional medicines in Indonesia and the attitudes and behavior of the people in Medan Tembung District because the majority of people still practice compliance.</p> <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p> </p> </div> </div> </div> Zefanya Grace Winneke Nainggolan, Rina Amelia, Dina Arwina Dalimunthe, Afrida Aryani Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 Zefanya Grace Winneke Nainggolan, Rina Amelia, Dina Arwina Dalimunthe, Afrida Aryani Nasution Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Knowledge Level on Milk Protein Consumption Towards Acne Vulgaris for Gym Users <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Background: </strong>Acne vulgaris (AV) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit, with a polymorphic clinical picture consisting of various skin disorders. Whey protein is also associated with potential acne triggers and is used as a supplement by young people trying to increase muscle mass. <strong>Objectives: </strong>To find out the description of the knowledge of gym users on the relationship between consuming milk protein and the incidence of acne vulgaris. <strong>Methods: </strong>This research is a descriptive study using a cross-sectional study approach. The sample was selected using a non-probability sampling technique, namely consecutive sampling with a sample size of 67 people using a questionnaire. <strong>Results: </strong>67 gym users were selected as samples where the knowledge in the good category was as many as 3 people (4,5%), followed by the adequate category with the number of 24 people (35,8%) and the less category of 40 people (59,7%). Most sources of information obtained about the relationship between consuming milk protein to the incidence of acne vulgaris are from social media. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The level of knowledge of gym users at the Grand Olympus Gym regarding the relationship between consuming milk protein and the incidence of acne vulgaris in general less knowledge.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Latar Belakang: </em></strong><em>Akne vulgaris (AV) adalah penyakit peradangan kronis dari unit pilosebasea, dengan gambaran klinis polimorfik yang terdiri dari berbagai gangguan kulit. Whey protein dikaitkan dengan potensi pemicu jerawat dan digunakan sebagai suplemen oleh usia muda yang mencoba meningkatkan massa otot. </em><strong><em>Tujuan: </em></strong><em>Untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan para pengguna gym tentang hubungan antara </em><em>mengonsumsi</em><em> protein susu dengan kejadian akne vulgaris. </em><strong><em>Metode: </em></strong><em>Penelitian ini merupakan studi deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi potong lintang. Sampel dipilih menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling yaitu consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 67 orang dengan menggunakan kuesioner. </em><strong><em>Hasil: </em></strong><em>Sebanyak 67 pengguna gym dipilih sebagai sampel dimana pengetahuan dengan kategori baik sebanyak 3 orang (4,5%), diikuti kategori cukup dengan jumlah 24 orang (35,8%) dan kategori kurang sebanyak 40 orang (59,7%). Sebagian besar sumber informasi yang didapatkan tentang hubungan antara mengonsumsi protein susu dengan kejadian akne vulgaris berasal dari media sosial. </em><strong><em>Kesimpulan</em></strong><em>: </em><em>Tingkat pengetahuan pengguna gym di Grand Olympus Gym mengenai hubungan antara mengonsumsi protein susu dengan kejadian jerawat (acne vulgaris) secara umum berpengetahuan kurang.</em></p> Mohammad Anis Akmal, Cut Putri Hazlianda Copyright (c) 2024 Cut Putri Hazlianda, Mohammad Anis Akmal Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Low Oxalate Diet for Prevention of Kidney Stone Disease: A Literature Review <p><strong>Background: </strong>Nephrolithiasis is the most common illness affecting the urinary system. It affects 600,000 Americans annually and about 12% of the world's population. It caused by a concentration of crystals that exits the kidney and genitourinary system. Calcium stones, primarily composed of calcium phosphate or oxalate, are present in about 80% of patients with nephrolithiasis. Kidney stones can be avoided by controlling the production of oxalate stones through the low oxalate dietary sources and regulating other factors that affect oxalate absorption. <strong>Objectives: </strong>The purpose of this literature review is to explain how to maintain a low-oxalate diet and other factors, such as enzymes, oxalate precursors, and bacteria in the colon, affect urine oxalate excretion and help prevent the formation of kidney stones. <strong>Methods: </strong>A summary of this literature was compiled using data from numerous internet resources. Ten earlier research RCTs or observational studies with statistical analysis—that met a number of inclusion criteria were used to support the goals of this work. The journal is available for open access, its publication year is at least 2014. <strong>Discussion: </strong>Consuming more water, DASH, low calcium and salt diet, and a low-oxalate diet can all considerably reduce the excretion of oxalate. Conversely, a poor dietary pattern has been associated with an increased risk of kidney stones. Oral formulations ALLN-177, Oxabact, and OxDC are helpful in lowering urinary oxalate levels. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Kidney stone disease may be avoided by adopting a low-oxalate and low-precursor diet.</p> <div> <p class="Isiabstrak"><strong><span lang="EN-US">Latar Belakang:</span></strong> <span lang="EN-US">Nefrolitiasis merupakan penyakit yang banyak terjadi pada sistem saluran kemih. Penyakit ini mempengaruhi 600.000 orang Amerika setiap tahunnya dan sekitar 12% populasi dunia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh peningkatan konsentrasi kristal di sistem </span><em><span lang="EN-US">genitourinari</span></em><span lang="EN-US">.  Pada pasien nefrolitiasis, 80% diantaranya disebabkan oleh pembentukan batu kalsium, terutama fosfat atau oksalat. Nefrolitiasis dapat dihindari dengan mengendalikan produksi batu oksalat melalui sumber makanan rendah oksalat dan mengatur faktor lain yang mempengaruhi penyerapan oksalat.<strong>Tujuan: </strong>Penulisan literatur ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaturan pola makan rendah oksalat dan faktor lain seperti enzim, prekursor oksalat dan bakteri di usus sebagai pencegahan pembentukan batu oksalat di ginjal dengan menurunkan eksresi oksalat dalam urin. <strong>Metode: </strong></span><em><span lang="EN-US">Literature review </span></em><span lang="EN-US">dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan berbagai literatur bersumber dari Internet. Digunakan 10 penelitian yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi, penelitian RCT ataupun studi observasional, artikel memiliki akses gratis, tahun terbit minimal 2014 <strong>Diskusi:</strong> Peningkatan konsumsi air, DASH, diet rendah kalsium dan rendah garam dapat menurunkan eksresi oksalat. Pola diet yang buruk dapat meningkatkan risiko pembentukan batu ginjal. Konsumsi ALLN-177, </span><em><span lang="EN-US">Oxabact</span></em><span lang="EN-US"> dan OxDC membantu menurunkan oksalat urin. <strong>Kesimpulan: </strong></span><span lang="EN-US">Pembentukan batu ginjal dapat dihindari dengan menerapkan pola makan rendah oksalat dan rendah prekursor oksalat.</span></p> </div> Mochammad Haikal Alhamdi, Ghina Jilan Alimah Copyright (c) 2024 Mochammad Haikal Alhamdi, Ghina Jilan Alimah Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Prevalence of Pressure Injury in Inpatients at H. Adam Malik Hospital Medan in 2020-2022 <p><strong>Background: </strong>Pressure injury is a frequently occurring health issue in healthcare environments, especially within hospitals. The risk is increased in hospital settings where patients are frequently confined to beds or wheelchairs. <strong>Objectives: </strong>This study evaluated the prevalence of pressure injury in regular inpatients at H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, from 2020 to 2022. <strong>Methods: </strong>This study employs a descriptive design with a cross-sectional research approach, describing all variables using secondary data from patient medical records. <strong>Results: </strong>The research findings indicate that the most common age group is 41-60 years old (28,4%), with females comprising the majority (52,9%). The primary diagnoses related to the occurrence of pressure injury is neurological disorders (25.5%). The most frequent location of injury is the buttocks region (45.1%), and the most prevalent stage of injury is stage III (36.3%), with the most common management approach being debridement (43.6%). <strong>Conclusion: </strong>In H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, from 2020 to 2022, pressure injury was mostly found at ages 41-60 years old, in women, the most prevalent underlying primary disease was neurological disorders, on the buttocks region, at stage III, and the most common management approach being debridement.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong><em>Latar Belakang:</em></strong> <em>Ulkus Dekubitus</em><em> merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sering terjadi di lingkungan pe</em><em>rawatan</em><em> kesehatan, </em><em>terutama</em><em> di rumah sakit. Risiko ini meningkat di rumah sakit yang pasiennya sering terbaring di tempat tidur atau kursi roda. </em><strong><em>Tujuan: </em></strong><em>Mengetahui</em> <em>gambaran</em> <em>Ulkus Dekubitus </em><em>pasien rawat inap reguler di RS</em><em>UP</em><em> H. Adam Malik Medan pada tahun 2020</em><em> - </em><em>2022. <strong>Metode:</strong> Penelitian </em><em>ini merupakan studi</em><em> deskriptif dengan </em><em>rancangan </em><em>penelitian </em>cross-sectional<em> yang</em><em> seluruh variabel </em><em>dilihat</em><em> menggunakan data sekunder </em><em>berupa</em><em> rekam medis pasien. <strong>Hasil:</strong> </em><em>P</em><em>enelitian</em><em> ini</em><em> menunjukkan bahwa kelompok u</em><em>sia</em><em> yang paling banyak</em> <em>adalah </em><em>usia </em><em>41-60 tahun (28,4%), dengan mayoritas adalah perempuan (52,9%). Diagnosis utama yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya </em><em>Ulkus Dekubitus</em><em> adalah </em><em>gangguan</em><em> neurologis (25,5%). Lokasi </em><em>ulkus</em><em> yang paling sering adalah daerah bokong (45,1%), dan </em><em>derajat</em> <em>ulkus</em><em> yang paling banyak terjadi adalah stadium III (36,3%), dengan</em> <em>penatalaksanaan yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah debridemen (43,6%). </em><strong><em>Kes</em></strong><strong><em>impulan:</em></strong><em> Di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan pada tahun 2020 hingga 2022</em><em>,</em> <em>Ulkus Dekubitus</em> <em>umumnya dijumpai</em><em> pada usia 41-60 tahun, wanita</em><em>, diagnosis utama</em> <em>gangguan neurologis, lokasi </em><em>bokon</em><em>g, derajat</em><em> III, dan </em><em>tata laksana </em><em>debridemen.</em></p> Christanti Regina, Dina Arwina Dalimunthe, Irma Sepala Sari Siregar, Kamal Kharrazi Ilyas Copyright (c) 2024 Christanti Regina, Dina Arwina Dalimunthe, Irma Sepala Sari Siregar, Kamal Kharrazi Ilyas Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Probiotic Supplementation’s Efficacy and Safety in Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis <p><strong>Background:</strong> Infections that people may get while seeking treatment in health facilities are known as healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). The application of probiotics represents a forefront approach in ongoing research and development for the prevention of HAIs. Probiotics' effectiveness has been the subject of several prior research, although the findings have not always been consistent. <strong>Objectives:</strong> This research aims to determine the efficacy and safety of probiotic supplementation in lowering HAIs when compared to a placebo. <strong>Methods:</strong> The PRISMA 2020 guidelines were followed in this investigation. Using the keywords "Healthcare-Associated Infections", "Nosocomial Infection, and "Probiotic", a search of the literature was done in July 2023 on the Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, PubMed, Proquest, Science Direct, Springer Link, and the registry, with a focus on Randomized Clinical Trials from the previous ten years that compared the efficacy and safety of probiotics and placebos in preventing HAIs. The University of Oxford CEBM sheet, the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tools and Modified Jadad Score were used to evaluate the RCTs included. Meta analysis is carried through using RevMan Software 5.4. <strong>Results:</strong> Three RCTs that included 542 adult patients were qualified. The patient’s ages varied from 18 to 80, with 304 men (67.26%) and 148 women (32.74%) present. Probiotics significantly reduced HAIs compared to placebo (OR 1.92; 95% CI 1.10-3.35; p=0.02). Probiotics were administered to patients without causing any significant negative effects<strong>. Conclusion:</strong> In comparison to a placebo, probiotics are effective and safe in lowering the frequency of HAIs.</p> <div> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Latar Belakang: </strong>Infeksi yang diperoleh pasien saat berobat ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan dikenal sebagai <em>healthcare-associated infections</em> (HAIs). Penggunaan probiotik merupakan pendekatan terdepan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan saat ini untuk upaya pencegahan HAIs. Efektivitas probiotik telah menjadi subjek beberapa penelitian sebelumnya, meskipun temuan yang diperoleh tidak selalu konsisten. <strong>Tujuan:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi dan keamanan suplementasi probiotik dalam menurunkan HAIs jika dibandingkan dengan plasebo. <strong>Metode:</strong>Penelitian ini mengikuti pedoman PRISMA 2020. Penelusuran literatur dilakukan menggunakan kata kunci <em>“</em><em>Healthcare-Associated Infections</em><em>”,</em><em>“</em><em>Nosocomial Infection”</em>, dan <em>“Probiotic”</em> pada bulan Juli 2023 di <em>database</em> Cochrane Library, Google Scholar, PubMed, Proquest, Science Direct, Springer Link, dan ClinicalTrial, dengan fokus artikel <em>Randomized Clinical Trials</em> (RCT) terpublikasi sepuluh tahun terakhir yang membandingkan efikasi serta keamanan probiotik dan plasebo dalam mencegah HAIs. Lembar <em>The University of Oxford CEBM</em>, instrumen deteksi risiko bias <em>Cochrane</em>, dan skor Jadad yang dimodifikasi digunakan untuk mengevaluasi artikel RCT terpilih. Meta Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan <em>Software</em> RevMan versi 5.4. <strong>Hasil:</strong> Tiga artikel RCT yang mencakup sebanyak 542 pasien dewasa memenuhi syarat untuk disertakan dalam penelitian. Usia pasien bervariasi dari 18 hingga 80 tahun, terdiri dari 304 pria (67,26%) dan 148 wanita (32,74%). Probiotik secara signifikan mengurangi HAIs dibandingkan dengan plasebo (OR 1.92; 95% CI 1.10-3.35; p=0.02). Probiotik diberikan kepada pasien tanpa menimbulkan efek negatif yang signifikan <strong>Kesimpulan:</strong> Dibandingkan dengan plasebo, probiotik efektif dan aman dalam menurunkan frekuensi HAIs.</p> </div> Fauzi Satria, Tri Widyawati, Monica Dwi Jalma Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzi Satria, Tri Widyawati, Monica Dwi Jalma Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Relationship between Elementary Students’ Activity Patterns and the Occurrence of Refractive Disorder <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"><strong><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;">Background:</span></strong><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; color: black;"> Refractive disorder is circumstance in which the eye fails to focus the light coming from an object onto the retina resulting in blurred shadows. One of the risk factors that cause or increase the progressivity of refractive disorder is environmental factors. Environmental factors are avoidable factors and are related to the social aspects of a child, such as a child's habitual patterns in carrying close range activities (reading, using a computer, playing video games, and watching television), and also outdoor activities. <strong>Objective:</strong> To examine the correlation between student activity patterns and the occurrence of refractive disorder. <strong>Methods:</strong> This study used an analytical method with a cross sectional design. The data used are primary data obtained directly through visus examination with the Snellen Chart and filling out questionnaires by elementary school students. <strong>Results:</strong> Based on the results of the Chi-square test, it was found that there was a significant relationship (p &lt; 0,05) between the duration, distance and position of the body when reading books with the occurrence of refractive disorder. There was also a significant relationship (p &lt; 0,05) between duration, distance and body position when using gadgets with the occurrence of refractive disorder. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> There is a significant relationship between the activity patterns of the students when reading books and when using gadgets with the occurrence of the refractive disorder.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; margin-bottom: .0001pt; text-align: justify;"> </p> <div> <p><strong><span lang="EN-US">Latar Belakang</span></strong><strong><span lang="EN-US">:</span></strong><span lang="EN-US"> Kelainan refraksi adalah keadaan di mana mata gagal untuk memfokuskan cahaya yang berasal dari suatu objek ke retina sehingga dihasilkan bayangan yang kabur. Salah satu faktor yang berisiko menyebabkan maupun meningkatkan progresivitas kelainan refraksi adalah faktor lingkungan. Faktor lingkungan merupakan faktor yang dapat dihindari dan berkaitan dengan aspek sosial seorang anak, seperti pola kebiasaan seseorang dalam melakukan aktivitas jarak dekat (membaca, menggunakan komputer, bermain video games, dan menonton televisi), dan juga aktivitas di luar ruangan.<strong> Tujuan:</strong> Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pola aktivitas siswa dengan terjadinya kelainan refraksi. <strong>Metode:</strong> Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analitik dengan desain <em>cross sectional</em>. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh secara langsung melalui pemeriksaan visus dengan <em>Snellen Chart</em> serta pengisian kuesioner oleh siswa/i sekolah dasar. <strong>Hasil:</strong> Berdasarkan hasil uji Chi-square didapati adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p &lt; 0,05) antara durasi, jarak dan posisi tubuh ketika membaca buku dengan terjadinya kelainan refraksi. Didapati juga adanya hubungan yang signifikan (p &lt; 0,05) antara durasi, jarak dan posisi tubuh ketika menggunakan gawai dengan terjadinya kelainan refraksi. <strong>Kesimpulan:</strong> Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pola aktivitas para siswa pada saat membaca buku ataupun pada saat menggunakan gawai dengan terjadinya kelainan refraksi.</span></p> </div> Francisca Teratai Anindithya Sitorus, Fithria Aldy, Aryani Atiyatul Amra, Malayana Rahmita Nasution Copyright (c) 2024 Francisca Teratai Anindithya Sitorus, Fithria Aldy, Aryani Atiyatul Amra, Malayana Rahmita Nasution Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Relationship Between the Personal Hygiene and The Occurrence of Pityriasis Versicolor In Students of State Senior High School 1 Medan 2020 <div><strong><span lang="EN-US">Background: </span></strong>Pityriasis versicolor (PV) is a superficial fungal infection on the outermost layer of skin caused by <em>Malassezia furfur </em>or<em> Pityrosporum orbiculare</em>, this infection stays for a long time, mild, and mostly the inflammation affects the face, neck, body, upper arm, axilla, thigh, and groin. PV often found in tropical areas and attack all ages, but mostly found on teenager age between 16-20 years. Self-care maintenance could be done by maintaining the good personal hygiene, because a poor personal hygiene was the risk factor that trigger pityriasis versicolor. This study has an objective to find out whether there is a relationship between personal hygiene and pityriasis versicolor of State Senior High School 1 Medan students in 2020. This study was observational with cross sectional design, the sample for this study were 100 students in State Senior High School 1 Medan in 2020 by using simple random sampling. Data was collected using an online questionnaire. Based on data from chi square method, there is a result value p=0,027 (p≤0,05). There is a meaningful relationship between personal hygiene and pityriasis versicolor.</div> <div> </div> <div> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Pendahuluan: </strong>Pitiriasis versikolor adalah infeksi jamur superfisial pada lapisan tanduk kulit yang disebabkan oleh <em>Malassezia furfur</em> atau <em>Pityrosporum orbiculare</em>. Infeksi ini bersifat menahun, ringan, dan biasanya tanpa peradangan yang mengenai muka, leher, badan, lengan atas, ketiak, paha, dan lipatan paha. Pitiriasis versikolor banyak dijumpai di daerah tropis dan dapat menyerang semua usia, namun paling banyak pada remaja usia 16-20 tahun. Pemeliharaan perawatan diri dilakukan dengan menjaga higiene perseorangan yang baik karena higiene perseorangan yang buruk adalah faktor yang memicu pitiriasis versikolor <strong>Tujuan: </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara higienitas dan pityriasis versicolor pada siswa SMAN 1 tahun 2020. <strong>Metode:</strong> Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel pada penelitian ini siswa-siswi SMAN 1 Medan tahun 2020 sebanyak 100 dan menggunakan metode simple random sampling. Data yang diperoleh melalui pengisian kuesioner secara online. <strong>Hasil: </strong>Berdasarkan data yang didapati menggunakan motede chi square, didapati hasil nilai p=0,027 (p≤0,05). <strong>Kesimpulan: </strong>Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara higiene perseorangan dengan kejadian pitiriasis versikolor<em>.</em></p> </div> Namira Afifah Nasution, Cut Putri Hazlianda Copyright (c) 2024 Namira Afifah Nasution, Cut Putri Hazlianda Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700