Tradition and Modernity of Humanity 2024-06-30T14:29:53+07:00 Dr. Tasnim Lubis, M.Hum. Open Journal Systems <p><img src="" alt="" /></p> <p><strong>Tradition and Modernity of Humanity based</strong> at <strong>Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Sumatera Utara</strong> in Medan, <strong>TALENTA Publisher</strong> as a publisher and publishing articles in both English and Indonesia, the journal provides a space for innovative theoretical as well as empirical contributions to issues that transcend the framework of the traditional disciplines. Given its international orientation, contributions of a comparative or cross-cultural nature are particularly welcome.</p> <p><img src="" alt="" /></p> Caring for Sekaten Traditions, Caring for Indonesia: Preserving Local Cultural Values in the Midst of Foreign Cultural Exposure 2024-06-30T08:51:42+07:00 Willy Khadafi Rahma Hayati Harahap <p><em>Sekaten</em> tradition is an ancestral cultural heritage that has lasted since the days of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom. This tradition holds a philosophical meaning about the relationship of man with the Creator through the <em>Sekaten</em> tradition. In addition, the <em>Sekaten</em> procession also reflects the spirit of mutual cooperation that is closely inherent in Javanese society. Unfortunately, in today's modern era, the enthusiasm of the younger generation towards <em>Sekaten</em> is fading. This may threaten the preservation of this tradition in the future. Efforts to revitalize <em>Sekaten</em> need to be done by exploring the philosophical values and local wisdom contained in it. This excavation is important so that the meaning of this tradition remains relevant for the millennial generation. In addition, it is necessary to socialize and assist young people to love and preserve <em>Sekaten</em> as a local cultural identity that should be maintained. The participation of all components of society is necessary in order to maintain the existence of <em>Sekaten</em> in the midst of modernization, so that ancestral values are maintained and timeless by the changing times.</p> 2024-05-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sound Change of Batahan Language as Malay Dialect in Mandailing Natal Regency 2024-06-30T09:41:35+07:00 Muhammad Afdhaluz Zikri Lubis Tasnim Lubis <p>This research deals with comparative historical linguistic studies that discuss the types of sound changes from Proto-Austronesian into Batahan Malay. This research uses qualitative methods with listening and recording techniques. Data sources were obtained from informants who are native speakers of Batahan Coastal Malay. Vocabulary taken from the speakers' recordings are those listed in the swadesh list. In the sound changes of the Austronesian language into Batahan Coastal Malay based on sound position, there are only six changes out of seven changes namely metathesis, apheresis, syncope, apocope, prothesis, and paragogue.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Application of Religion as a Method of Drug Rehabilitation for Victims of Drug Abuse at Baitusyifa Rehabilitation Center 2024-06-30T10:02:48+07:00 Nurul Adilla Alatas Abus Arif Abdillah Lubis Saffanah Qanitah HS Crystin Manullang Fajar Utama Ritonga <p>Drugs are a complex problem that needs to be resolved, one of the efforts that can be made is to undergo rehabilitation for drug abusers. Drug rehabilitation centers have different methods to achieve their clients' goals in the healing period. Baitusyifa Rehabilitation Center is one of the rehabilitation centers located in Deli Serdang City, North Sumatra which applies religion as a method of drug rehabilitation. The purpose of this study is to describe the religious methods or efforts applied at Baitusyifa Rehabilitation Center. This research uses a qualitative approach. Data were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation at the research location. Furthermore, the data was analyzed using descriptive qualitative to answer the effectiveness of the application of religion in handling drug abuse clients. The results showed that the application of religion was very influential on clients at Baitusyifa Rehabilitation Center. Clients feel a change for the better and make habits that are carried out in rehabilitation to life after completing the rehabilitation period. Baitusyifa Rehabilitation Center takes an approach by creating self-awareness through study/recitation, changing habits with worship activities such as prayer and <em>murojaah</em>, increasing motivation through reward and punishment models, implementing anonymous letters so that clients evaluate themselves, cupping healing therapy recommended in Islam, and morning exercises to keep clients fit.</p> 2024-05-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Inheritance of Consonant Phonemes from PAN to Mandailing Language 2024-06-30T10:42:31+07:00 Fitri Rosalina Harahap <p>This study aims to examine the inheritance of consonant phonemes from Proto-Austronesian (PAN) to Mandailing Language (BM), as part of the Austronesian language family. The method used is the comparative historical method with a focus on analyzing basic Swadesh vocabulary collected from native speakers in Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal. The diachronic analysis shows that BM preserved some phonemes from PAN while undergoing significant changes in some consonants. The results show patterns of phonetic changes of PAN to BM consonants, including changes of /b/ to /b/ or /m/, /k/ to /h/ in the penultima position, /z/ to /j/ in the ultima position, /l/ to /n/ in the ultima position, and changes of /h/ to missing in the ultima position. These changes provide deep insights into phonological evolution in BM, indicating a PAN linguistic heritage with innovative variations in word phonology and morphology. The findings support the theory of language evolution and make an important contribution to the understanding of Austronesian historical linguistics.</p> 2024-05-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sound Changes of Batu Bara Malay Dialect from Proto Austronesian Language 2024-06-30T13:26:36+07:00 Rini Rezeki Dwi Widayati <p>This research aims to analyze the sound changes and how it changes in the Proto-Austronesian language to Batu Bara Dialect Malay. The research method uses quantitative methods. Data collection and collection were obtained in the field using the method of chapping, and recording. The location and time of the research were conducted in the Kampung Lalang Village area, Tanjung Tiram District, Batu-Bara Regency, North Sumatra Province. The data source consists of a list of 200 basic swadesh and PAN vocabulary from the book An Introduction Historical Linguistics Fourth Edition by Crowley and Bowern. Then the data will be analyzed in the form of procedures. Grouping between glosses (200 basic vocabulary), PAN Language, and Batu Bara Dialect Malay Language (MBB). b. Grouping data according to sound changes, c. Analyzing changes in sound changes from both languages between PAN and MBB. The results of the analysis that has been done about the sound changes from PAN to MBB can be concluded that sound changes based on place are found in metathesis, aphaeresis, syncope, apocope, prosthesis, assimilation, paragoge, inheritance of innovation, epenthesis, lenition.</p> 2024-05-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Language Kinship between Acehnese and Tamiang Malay Language 2024-06-30T14:29:53+07:00 Cut Nuswatul Khaira Tasnim Lubis <p>This study aimed to determine the percentage of kinship that exists between Acehnese and Tamiang Malay language and to find out the separation period of the two languages. This research was conducted using the quantitative method in which the data in this research is statistical. The techniques used in analyzing the data were lexicostatistical techniques. It was used to calculate the percentage of kinship between the two languages and also glotochronological techniques to calculate the separation time between Acehnese and Tamiang Malay language. The results of the study found that the percentage of kinship between Acehnese and Tamiang Malay is quite high, which is as much as 39%. From the results of calculations using glotochronology techniques that have been carried out, it is found that the separation period between Acehnese and Tamiang Malay language is as far as 1,616 years.</p> 2024-05-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024