Tropical Public Health Journal <p>TROPHICO: Tropical Public Health Journal is a journal published by TALENTA Publisher, Universitas Sumatera Utara and managed by Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara. TROPHICO publishes research articles in the field of public health or other disciplines related to public health that have not been published by other publication media. The scientific scope of research results include Epidemiology, Health Policy and Administration, Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Health, Health Education and Behavioral Science, Public Health Nutrition, Biostatistics and Demography, Family and Reproductive Health and other research in the field of Public Health Sciences. This journal was first published in March 2021 and will then be published twice a year in March and September both in printed and electronic versions designed using the Online Journal System (OJS).</p> <p> </p> en-US (Ismil Khairi Lubis, S.K.M., M.P.H.) (M. Rizwan Anfa, S.Kom.) Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Sadar pilah sampah dengan konsep 4R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Replace) dalam upaya penurunan volume sampah Desa Pantai Gemi tahun 2022 <p><em>Diseases can be spread directly or indirectly via unprocessed garbage. Garbage management is crucial if we want to reduce the negative effects that waste has on our health. The community of Pantai Gemi lacks waste-processing infrastructure. The Sanitation Service's inaccessible trash transportation system, which forces people to process waste on their own, is the root of this issue. One significant effort that can be made is to educate the community. This study sought to ascertain how public perception has changed as well as how much less inorganic and organic trash was being produced as a result of the extension intervention. A pre-test-post-test design with one group is used in this kind of research. All of the 2,179 family heads who make up the study's population make up its sample of 30 families. Seven respondents, according to data on changes in respondents' knowledge, report changes in their knowledge of waste management. The results of the normality test demonstrate the homogeneity of the waste generation statistics. The Dependent Sample T-Test method was used to examine waste generation. The analysis of the volume of inorganic waste yielded t = 0.00&lt;0.05, indicating that intervention has an effect on decreasing the volume of inorganic waste in Pantai Gemi Village. The analysis of the weight loss of organic waste yielded t = 0.00&lt;0.05, indicating that intervention has an effect on weight loss of organic waste in Pantai Gemi Village. Residents of Pantai Gemi Village should be given advice by the Department of Cleanliness and the Environment. For the Gemi Beach Village Apparatus to be able to connect the neighborhood's trash management efforts with relevant organizations. For Pantai Gemi Village inhabitants to become accustomed to and learn more about handling waste on their own.</em></p> Syafreni Annisa Ayu Putri, Devi Nuraini Santi, Sri Malem Indirawati, Evi Naria Copyright (c) 2023 Tropical Public Health Journal Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Identifikasi pohon keputusan hipertensi dengan sistem RapidMiner dan metode klasifikasi <p><em>At present health is very important to support all activities, both work and sports. Sometimes people ignore it in health checks, especially related to blood health. Early detection is very important in controlling the health of the body in everyday life. One of the factors that people often complain about is high blood pressure, which hinders all activities. High blood pressure is a disease caused by increased blood pressure. This study aims to identify the decision tree for high blood pressure for residents around the Bekasi area with sample data used, namely data on age, weight, blood type, and susceptibility to high blood pressure by distributing questionnaires. This study uses the RapidMiner system and data classification methods through questionnaires as respondents and health service test samples. The findings of this study are 6 people who allow for high blood pressure of various ages. The potential for high blood pressure is detected from the age of over 34 with a total of 3 people from blood groups B and O. The results of this study based on an accuracy rate of 77.78% show that of the 32 people in the high blood questionnaire data, 3 people are aged over 34 and 3 people aged 3 people.</em></p> Iskandar Zulkarnaen, Okty Eka Wulandari, Padulah, Hibarkah Kurnia Copyright (c) 2023 Tropical Public Health Journal Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Hubungan karakteristik individu, gejala kelelahan subjektif, kompetensi, persepsi ketersediaan alat pelindung diri terhadap kecelakaan kerja pekerja Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) <p><em>A work accident is an unexpected event that can cause human casualties and property damage. According to data from the Ministry of PUPR in 2017, many work accidents occurred in the construction sector. Thus, Occupational Safety and Health are needed by construction sector workers in minimizing the occurrence of work accidents. Analyzing the relationship between characteristics, subjective fatigue symptoms, competence, and perceptions of PPE availability on the incidence of work accidents in MEP Construction Project PT. X, Jakarta. Quantitative with cross sectional design. The sample size was 68 people using the total sampling method which was then analyzed by chi-square statistical analysis. The results of the bivariate analysis in this study indicate that there is a relationship between age, length of service, subjective fatigue symptoms, competence, and perceptions of PPE availability to work accidents. But there is no relationship between the type of work on work accidents. To minimize the occurrence of work accidents, management is expected to improve the quality of workers by conducting training for workers and optimizing the K3 program.</em></p> Nabila Maharani, Yuliani Setyaningsih, Baju Widjasena Copyright (c) 2023 Tropical Public Health Journal Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis kadar PM10 dan CO serta keluhan pernapasan pada petugas operasional terminal peti kemas PT PELINDO Belawan tahun 2023 <p><em>Air pollution and respiratory symptoms among operational staff at container terminal of PT. PELINDO Belawan might be caused by emission of PM₁₀ and CO from operational container trucks. This research aims to assess PM₁₀ and CO levels, also to investigate respiratory symptoms among operational staff at container terminal of PT. PELINDO Belawan. This is an observational research with cross-sectional design study. From a population of 699 individuals, 88 samples were obtained using purposive sampling technique. Air quality data was collected through direct measurements at three different locations, while respiratory symptoms data was gathered through staff interviews. PM₁₀ level at the container terminal had exceeded the standard limit, with the highest concentration recorded at the entrance gate, reaching 193 µg/Nm³. Whereas, CO level remained within the acceptable range. Trucks flow observation over a week revealed that the highest flow occurred on Tuesday, with 3,037 trucks, while the lowest flow was on Sunday, with a total of 223 trucks. Among the 88 respondents, 40 individuals (45.5%) experienced respiratory symptoms, with the most common complaint, reported by 25 individuals (65%), being runny or congested nose. Most respiratory symptoms occurred at unpredictable times, as reported by 35 individuals (39.8%). Container terminal of PT. PELINDO Belawan is recommended to enforce mask usage while working and respiratory health check-ups regularly for the operational staff to monitor respiratory health of the operational staff, as well as planting trees to mitigate pollutant levels in the air.</em></p> Adinda Nur Ramadhani, Devi Nuraini Santi Copyright (c) 2023 Tropical Public Health Journal Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis risiko kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja pada pekerjaan konstruksi pangadaan dan pemasangan intelligent transportation system Kota Medan <p><em>The installation of Intelligent Transportation System that serves to integrate road users, transportation systems and vehicles through information systems and communication technologies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify hazards and risk analysis of work accidents in the installation of Intelligent Transportation System Medan. This type of research uses qualitative research design to identify hazards and perform risk level analysis on Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) installations using the AS/NZS 4360:2004 framework on risk management, was conducted at Gatsu Sei Wampu, Mayestik, and Merdeka Square intersection in February 2023 – completed. Data analysis methods, namely domain analysis. Based on the results of the study obtained the potential hazards of Occupational Safety and health contained in the installation location of The Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in the form of injury or cuts, hit by vehicles, noise, electric shock, falling, buried, inhaled particles of material, material crushed and falling from a height. Hazard Control of Occupational Safety and health risks that can be done is testing the tools to be used, preparation of workers 'competence and health, provision of PPE for workers, provision of safe areas and traffic officers, implementing SOPs and installing K3 signs. Expected for all workers at PT. Means of terrain traffic to be able to implement safe behavior while working by always using PPE such as helmets, shoes, gloves, masks and vests as well as other PPE such as earmuffs/earplugs if the noise exceeds the threshold value (NAB).</em></p> Erwin Febrian Nadeak Raja, Kalsum, Mhd. Makmur Sinaga, Gerry Silaban Copyright (c) 2023 Tropical Public Health Journal Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Tingkat pengetahuan pegawai PLN Lubuk Pakam tentang kaitan penyakit Periodontal dan kesehatan sistemik <p><em>Several studies have revealed that there is a relationship between periodontitis and systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, and respiratory disease. This is because periodontal infections act as foci of infection for systemic disease. </em><em>The study aimed to assess the knowledge level of periodontal disease associated with systemic conditions and diseases in PLN Lubuk Pakam employees. The study aimed to assess the knowledge level of periodontal disease associated with systemic conditions and diseases in PLN Lubuk Pakam employees. The number of respondents was as many as 129 people using total sampling, then respondents filled out the questionnaire. The tests used are validity tests, reliability tests, and descriptive statistical analysis. The description of the level of knowledge of PLN Lubuk Pakam employees about periodontal disease is moderate (64.9%). The description of the level of knowledge of PLN Lubuk Pakam employees about periodontal disease associated with systemic conditions and diseases is less (49.5%). It is necessary to educate or educate the public about the link between periodontal disease and systemic diseases and conditions. The majority level of knowledge of PLN Lubuk Pakam employees about periodontal disease associated with systemic conditions and diseases is less.</em></p> Martina Amalia, Florance Rohani Gultom, Suryani Hanum Copyright (c) 2023 Tropical Public Health Journal Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis mutu pelayanan kesehatan menggunakan metode Servperf dan IPA pada pasien rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Islam Malahayati Medan <p><em>When it comes to satisfying customers whose requirements are becoming more varied over time, quality of service in a business network is a key factor. Patients at Malahayati Islamic Hospital Medan continue to have concerns regarding the quality of care they get and the WOTJ quality indicator, which now stands at 55% instead of the target 100%. The goal of this study is to use the Servperf and IPA techniques to examine the degree of outpatient satisfaction at Malahayati Islamic Hospital Medan along the categories of tangibles, dependability, responsiveness, assurance, and emphasizing. A quantitative survey with a cross-sectional design was used for this study. This research used purposive sampling to collect data from a representative sample of 96 outpatients from Hospital in Medan. Based on the findings of this research, Malahayati Islamic Hospital Medan can enhance the quality of its outpatient treatment by focusing on three specific service aspects. The waiting area and exam rooms need to be more relaxing, drugs should be delivered quickly, and the doctors and other personnel should be more personable. Prescriptions for both outpatient and inpatient use must enter the pharmacy via different entrances to prevent a backlog.</em></p> Raihanis Anastasya, Fitriani Pramita Gurning Copyright (c) 2023 Tropical Public Health Journal Sat, 30 Sep 2023 00:00:00 +0700