Focus and Scope

ULJLS is an initiative of the Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatra. Its main objective is to facilitate scientific and professional discussion on the latest developments on legal issues in Indonesia as well as to publish innovative legal research on Indonesian law and legal system. Published exclusively in English, the Review seeks to expand the boundaries of Indonesian legal discourse to access English-speaking contributors and readers worldwide. This review, therefore, welcomes contributions from international law scholars and professionals as well as from representatives of courts, executive authorities, and development cooperation bodies.

This review basically contains new topics on Indonesian law and legal system. The range of content covered by this review includes established legal scholarship and areas of law such as private law and public law which include:

  • Constitutional and administrative law;
  • Criminal law;
  • International law on Indonesia;
  • Various approaches to legal studies such as comparative law, law and economics, legal sociology, and legal anthropology;
  • Specific areas of law include commercial and business law, technology law, and natural resource law;

Manuscripts on subjects not listed above will be considered, as long as the topic relates to or relates to Indonesian law.