Similarity Analysis of Understorey Plant Species in Forest Areas


  • Simon Sidabukke Doctoral Students of Natural Resource and Environmental Management Study Program, Post Graduate School of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia
  • Ternala Alexander Barus Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia
  • Budi Utomo Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia
  • Delvian Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia
  • Fathiatul Rizkia Aulin Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sumatra Utara, Indonesia



Forest Area, Protected Forest, Similarity Index, Understorey Composition, Understorey Plant


Many forests have substantial understorey plants. These plants have an important contribution to soil and water conservation. The similarity index determines the resemblance of species structure and composition in a community. This research is aimed to see the impact and relationship of changes in the allocation of forest areas to the similarity of understorey species. The research was conducted using the line plot sampling method, sized 2 m x 2 m, with the understorey plants observed have been measured from germination to young plant (height 1.5 m). The number of plots in the plantation forest is 480 plots, protected areas 224 plots, and natural forest 96 plots. Determination of the number of understorey plots based on the minimum representative area curve. A Similarity Index was performed to analyze the data.  The results indicated that there is an impact of changes in the forest area on the similarity of understorey species. It is known from the low similarity index value at the research location. It is due to the differences in environmental factors at the two locations such as air humidity, air temperature, the intensity of sunlight, and different patterns of forest area management.


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How to Cite

S. . Sidabukke, Ternala Alexander Barus, Budi Utomo, Delvian, and Fathiatul Rizkia Aulin, “Similarity Analysis of Understorey Plant Species in Forest Areas”, J. Sylva Indonesiana, vol. 5, no. 02, pp. 113-123, Aug. 2022.