Evaluation of application of biochar corn and urea fertilizer on some chemical properties and growth of corn (zea mays L.) in Ultisol


  • Muhammad Sabrin Zebua Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Benny Hidayat Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Kemala Sari Lubis Universitas Sumatera Utara




Biochar application derivate from corn and using urea fertilization were expected can increase N absorbed maximallay. For this reason, this research was conducted at green house by using Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with two (2) factors. The first factor is biochar sourced from corn that were no biochar, corn cob and corn husk, each other is about 20 ton/Ha. The second factor is Urea fertilizer with four a dossages (25 kg/Ha, 50 kg/Ha, 75 kg/Ha and 100 kg/Ha). Parameters were analyzed are of chemical characteristics value of pHH2O and total nitrogen. Parameters plant were analyzed area palnt height, number of leavesand N uptake of palnt. The results showed that application of corn cob biochar can increase N uptake about 0.93 mg/plant. Application of urea fertilizer can increase the value of pH H2O, total nitrogen, and N uptake at dossage urea fertilizer about 100 kg/Ha. The height plant can increase by using Urea fertilization dossageabout 50 kg/Ha at 4, 5 and 6 weeks after planting. This, the number of leaves of corn can increase at by using Urea Fertilization dossage about 75 kg/Ha significantly.


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