Uji Efektivitas Pengendalian Kimiawi dan Biologi terhadap Hama Penggerek Polong (Maruca testulalis Geyer.) pada Tanaman Kacang Hijau
Effectivity Test of Chemical and Biological Control of Pod Borer, Maruca testulalis on Mungbean
chemical control, biological control, Maruca testulalis, mungbean pod borer, pengendalian kimia, pengendalian biologi, penggerek polong kacang hijauAbstract
This research was aimed to test the effectivity of λ-sihalotrin insesticide, billy goat weed (Ageratum conyzoides) and commercial Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to manage legume pod borer (Maruca testualis Geyer.) on mung bean in field. The research was held in Klambir V, Hamparan Perak, Deliserdang District apporoximetely 25 meters from the sea surface. This research used non factorial Block Randomized Design method, consisted of 6 treatments namely: control, without pest control from 28 day after planting to harvest, using λ-sihalotren 2 ml/l water weekly, using λ-sihalotren 2 ml/l water twice application in 35 days after planting and 49 days after planting, using babadotan extract 50 g/l water,and using commercial Bt (Thuricide HP) 5 g/l water with 4 replications. The results showed that the highest percentage of attacked pods was found on the treatment without pest control from 28 day after planting to harvest (33,77%) and the lowest treatment was using λ-sihalotren 2 ml/l water weekly (20,45%). Babadotan extract 50 g/l water decreased pods attacked by mungbean pod borer. The highest production of mungbean was the treatment of λ-sihalotren 2 ml/l water weekly (1,758 kg) and the lowest treatment was the control treatment (0,798 kg) during plant growth.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan penggunaan λ-sihalotrin, ekstrak daun babadotan, dan Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) komersial dalam mengendalikan hama penggerek polong tanaman kacang hijau di lapangan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa Klambir V, Kecamatan Hamparan Perak, Kabupaten Deli Serdang dengan ketinggian ± 25 m dpl. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok non faktorial, terdiri dari 6 perlakuan yaitu : Kontrol, tanpa pengendalian (28 HST sampai panen), λ-sihalotrin 2 ml/l air seminggu sekali aplikasi (pada 35 HST sampai dengan 56 HST), λ-sihalotrin 2 ml/l air 2 kali aplikasi (35 HST dan 49 HST), ekstrak daun gulma babadotan 50 gr/l air dan Bt komersial (Thuricide HP) 5gr/l air, dengan 4 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata persentase polong terserang tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan tanpa pengendalian sejak 28 HST sampai panen (33,77%) dan terendah pada perlakuan penggunaan insektisida λ-sihalotrin 2 ml/l air seminggu sekali pada 35-56 HST (20,45%). Penggunaan ekstrak daun gulma babadotan 50 gr/l air mampu mengurangi jumlah biji yang terserang hama polong. Produksi kacang hijau tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan penggunaan insektisida λ-sihalotrin 2 ml/l air seminggu sekali pada 35-56 HST (1,758 Kg) dan terendah pada perlakuan tanpa pengendalian selama pertumbuhan tanaman (0,798 Kg).
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