Perubahan Beberapa Sifat Kimia Tanah Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung (Zea mays L.) Akibat Pemberian Limbah Kertas Rokok Dan Pupuk Kandang Ayam Di Tanah Ultisol
Some Changes in Chemical Properties Land and Growth of Corn (Zea mays L.) Giving Due Waste Cigarette Paper Factory and Chicken Manure On Ultisol Soil
chicken manure, soil chemical properties, solid waste of the factory of wrapper, zea mays growth, Limbah Padat Pabrik Pembungkus Rokok, Pertumbuhan Jagung, Pupuk Kandang Ayam, Sifat Kimia TanahAbstract
The solid waste of the factory of wrapper cigarette is generated very much by the factory of
wrapper cigarette PT.Pusaka Prima Mandiri. This waste contains calcium carbonate + 70,81% and
can increase acidity of Ultisol. The research was to conduct study the utilization of solid waste of
the factory of wrapper cigarette and chicken manure to repair soil acidity and nutrient content of
Ultisol. Screen house research has been conducted to examine the effect of solid waste of the
factory of wrapper cigarette and chicken manure in overcoming acidity and soil nutrient
enhancement Ultisol. This research was conducted by randomized block design two (2) factors. The
first factor is solid waste of the factory of wrapper cigarette consists of five (5) doses and the
second factor is chicken manure consisting of three (3) doses with three (3) replications. Analysis of
soil was conducted at the Laboratory of Oil Palm Research Centerand Soil Chemistry Laboratory
ofFaculty of Agriculture, University of North Sumatra. Parameters observed include soil pH,
Al(exch), P-available, plant height and dry weight of crown and root maize. The results showed that
the solid waste ofthe factory of wrapper cigarette can decrease acidity of Ultisol and increase
increase the plant height and dry weight of the crown. Chicken manure can decrease acidity of
Ultisol. The solid waste of the factory of wrapper cigarette has the potential to decrease Al(exch)
and meet the availability of P in the soil.
Limbah padat pabrik pembungkus rokok dihasilkan sangat banyak oleh pabrik pembungkus rokok PT.Pusaka Prima Mandiri. Limbah ini mengandung kalsium carbonat + 70,81 % dan dapat meningkatkan pH tanah masam. Penelitian rumah kasa telah dilakukan untuk mengkaji efek limbah padat pabrik pembungkus rokok dan pupuk kandang ayam dalam mengatasi kemasaman dan peningkatan unsur hara tanah Ultisol. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah limbah padat pabrik pembungkus rokok terdiri dari lima (5) dosis dan faktor kedua adalah pupuk kandang ayam terdiri dari tiga (3) dosis dengan 3 ulangan. Analisis tanah dilakukan di Laboratorium Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit dan Laboratorium Kimia Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatra Utara. Parameter yang diamati meliputi pH tanah, Al-dd, P-tersedia, tinggi tanaman, serta berat kering tajuk dan akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa limbah padat pabrik pembungkus rokok mampu meningkatkan pH tanah, tinggi tanaman dan berat kering tajuk. Pupuk kandang ayam mampu meningkatkan pH tanah dan kandungan P tanah Ultisol. Limbah padat pabrik pembungkus rokok dan pupuk kandang ayam berpotensi menurunkan Al-dd dan memenuhi ketersediaan P dalam tanah.
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