Evaluasi Karakteristik Sifat Kimia Tanah Di Lahan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Kebun Adolina PTPN IV Serdang Bedagai Pada Beberapa Generasi Tanam

Evaluation The Characteristics Of Soil Chemical Properties Of Oil Palm In The Adolina Plantantion Ptpn Iv Serdang Bedagai On Several Generation Of Planting


  • Nuraini Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, USU
  • Abdul Rauf Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, USU
  • Jamilah Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, USU




generation of planting, oil palm, soil chemical properties, generasi tanam, kelapa sawit, sifat kimia tanah


The reseach aimed to determine changes in the characteristics of some soil chemical properties planted
with oil palm in several generations of planting. This research was conducted in July 2016 until
January 2017, using survey method with descriptive analysis. Soil samples were taken in 3 generations
of planting, G0 (land never planted with oil palm), G1 (land cultivated by oil palms for 11 years), G3
(land cultivated by oil palms for 58 years) and G4 (land Which has been cultivated for oil palm
plantations for 72 years). That Generation II land is still projected at the time of this research. In each
generation three soil profiles are made, then tested by t Test. The results showed that the increase of
planting generation to change the soil characteristics of soil chemistry is very apparent in the
decreasing soil pH which is more acid, while the C-Organic, total of N, total of P, total of K and soil
carbon stocks different is not real meaning that the generation of planting in oil palm plants does not
affect the soil chemical properties in the Adolina plantation. But increasing the value of CEC land the
longer the generation of planting.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan karakteristik beberapa sifat kimia tanah yang ditanami kelapa sawit pada beberapa generasi tanam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2016 sampai Januari 2017, menggunakan metode survey dengan analisis deskriptif. Sampel tanah diambil pada 3 generasi tanam yaitu G 0 (lahan belum pernah ditanami kelapa sawit), G 1 (lahan yang telah dibudidayakan tanaman kelapa sawit selama 11 tahun), G 3 (lahan yang telah dibudidayakan oleh tanaman kelapa sawit selama 58 tahun) dan G 4 (lahan yang telah dibudidayakan tanaman kelapa sawit selama 72 tahun). Lahan Generasi II masih diproyeksikan pada saat penelitian ini berlangsung. Pada setiap generasi dibuat tiga profil tanah, kemudian diuji dengan Uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan generasi tanam terhadap perubahan karakteristik sifat kimia tanah yang sangat nyata terlihat pada penurunan pH tanah yang semakin masam, sedangkan nilai C-Organik, N-total, Ptotal, K-total, dan simpanan karbon dalam tanah menunjukkan hasil berbeda tidak nyata yang artinya generasi tanam pada tanaman kelapa sawit tidak mempengaruhi sifat kimia tanah di lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit Kebun Adolina. Namun meningkatkan nilai KTK tanah semakin lamanya generasi tanam.


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