Uji Potensi Isolat Bakteri Pereduksi Sulfat (BPS) Terhadap Perubahan Kemasaman Tanah Sulfat Masam dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jagung dengan Kondisi Air Tanah Berbeda di Rumah Kaca

Potential Test of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) To Changes the Acidity of Sulphate Acid Soil and Corn Growth with Different Water Content in Green House


  • Yudi Sudarno S. Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, USU
  • Asmarlaili Sahar Hanafiah Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, USU
  • Mariani Sembiring Program Studi Agroekoteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, USU




pH, Soil Sulphate Content, Sulphate Reducing Bacteria, Water Condittion, Bakteri Pereduksi Sulfat, Kadar Air Tanah, Kadar Sulfat Tanah


This study aimed to determine the potential for a superior sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB)
from tested on acid sulfate soil with different water content. The research activities carried
out in the Laboratory of Soil Biology and Green House of Faculty Agriculture, University of
North Sumatra. The research used Randomized Block Design with 2 treatments : SRB isolate
(control, LK4, LK6, TSM4, TSM 3, AP4, AP3, LK4+TSM3, LK4+AP4, LK4+AP3,
LK6+TSM3, LK6+AP4, LK6+AP3, TSM4+TSM3, TSM4+AP4, TSM4+AP3) and water
condition (100% field capacity and 110% field capacity). The results shown application of
isolate LK4+AP4 with water condition 110% field capacity decreased the soil sulphate
content (27,38 ppm) significantly after week 6. Application of isolate LK4+AP3 with water
condition 110% field capacity increase soil pH (5,58) significantly after week 6. Application
of isolate LK4 with water condition 110% field capacity increase the plant growth (140 cm;
25,74 g) significantly after week 6. The best treatment was application isolate LK4 with
water condition 110% field capacity (RBS population 2,5x10
; soil sulphate content
29,10ppm; soil acidity 4,78; plant height 140cm; plant weight 25,74gr).


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi beberapa isolat bakteri pereduksi sulfat yang diuji pada media tanah sulfat masam dengan kondisi air tanah berbeda. Kegiatan penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Biologi Tanah dan Rumah Kaca Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 2 faktor perlakuan yaitu Bakteri (kontrol, LK4, LK6, TSM4, TSM 3, AP4, AP3, LK4+TSM3, LK4+AP4, LK4+AP3, LK6+TSM3, LK6+AP4, LK6+AP3, TSM4+TSM3, TSM4+AP4, TSM4+AP3) dan kondisi air tanah (100% Kapasitas Lapang dan 110% Kapasitas Lapang). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian isolat LK4+AP4 dan KA 110% KL mampu menurunkan kadar sulfat tanah (27,38ppm) signifikan setelah minggu keenam, pemberian isolat LK4+AP3 dan KA 110%KL mampu meningkatkan pH tanah (5,58) signifikan pada minggu keenam, pemberian isolat LK4 dan KA 110%KL mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman(140cm; 25,74 g) signifikan pada minggu keenam. Interaksi terbaik ditunjukkan perlakuan isolat LK4 dengan kadar air tanah 110% KL (populasi BPS 2,5x10 8 ; sulfat tanah 29,10ppm; pH tanah 4,78; tinggi tanaman 140cm; berat kering tajuk 25,74gr).


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