Relation between C, N, C/N and K Soil and Production of Shallots in Lake Toba Catchment Area


  • Eunike Wenintha S Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Razali Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • T. Sabrina Universitas Sumatera Utara



shallots, soil chemical property, productivity


Shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.)is one of the important commodities in Indonesia and its production influence by soil chemical properties. This study aimed to determine the relation between C, N, C/N, and K soil and the production of shallots in the catchment area of ​​Lake Toba. This research was carried out by survey method at 11 sub-districts in the Lake Toba catchment area. Sampling was carried out by a random sampling method with 3 groups based on the level of productivity of shallots that low, medium, and high group. A regression test was performed using SPSS to obtain a relationship between soil chemical properties (C, N, C/N, and K) and shallots production. The results of the analysis of 30 soil samples showed that C, N, C/N, and K soil on shallots planting land was not a limiting factor on the productivity of shallots at the soil in the catchment area of Lake Toba.


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