Rate and Model of Soil Infiltration Capacity in Various Types of Land Use in Dolok Manampang Village Dolok Masihul District Serdang Bedagai Regency


  • Nova Yunita Saragih Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Kemala Sari Lubis Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Abdul Rauf Universitas Sumatera Utara




Kapasitas Infiltrasi, Penggunaan Lahan, Sifat Fisik Tanah


The rate of infiltration at different land uses is influenced by the physical properties
of the soil, including soil texture, organic matter, bulk density and soil porosity.
This study aims to examine the rate and model of infiltration capacity in various
types of land use in Dolok Manampang Village. This research was conducted from
September to October 2021. The method used to analyze the rate and capacity
infiltration is the Horton method. This method uses a double ring to measure the
infiltration rate in four (4) plants on it. For each different land use, the infiltration
rate measurement is repeated three (3) times. The result of research showed that is
on land with oil palm plantation namely 12,04 cm/h (slightly fast), rubber 8,54
cm/h (slightly fast), cassava 5,79 cm/h (medium) and ex-mining land c 0,13 cm/h
(slow). The Horton infiltration model obtained is as follows : f = 13,6 + 10,4 e-2,79t
(oil palm); f = 10 + 9,2 e-2,5t (rubber); f = 8,4 + 10,8 e-3,69t(cassava); f = 1,8 + 1,2e0,003t(ex-mining land c). The soil texture is dominated by the sandy loam fraction,
the porosity values range from 46,23 % to 58,47%, the C-organic content ranges
from 0,0 % to 2,4% and the bulk density ranges from 1,10 g/cm3
to 1,42 g/cm3


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