Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education <p><span class="" lang="en"><span class="">Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education (JoMTE) is a peer-reviewed four times a year journal (March, June, September, and December) published by TALENTA Publisher and organized by Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU) as an open access journal. It welcomes full research articles in the field of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics related to Mathematics Technology and Educational from the following subject area: Analytics, Operation Research, Statistics, Algebra, Differential Equations, Control Theory, Dynamics System, Mathematics Finance, Graph Theory, Combinatorial, and Mathematics Education.<br /></span></span><span class="" lang="en"><span class="">Each publication contains 10 (ten) research articles which will be published online. These articles are indexed by Indonesian Publication Index (Garuda Portal), One Search Perpustakaan Nasional, <a href=";hl=id" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Google Scholar</a>, PKP Indexing, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), and Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI). </span></span><span class="" lang="en"><span class=""><span id="result_box" class="" lang="en">JoMTE strives to be a means of periodic, accredited, national scientific publications or reputable international publications through printed and online publications.<br /></span></span></span><span class="" lang="en"><span class="">ISSN (Online) : 2830-0394</span></span></p> en-US (JoMTE) (Admin) Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Analysis of the Effect of Population and Average Net Wage/Salary on the Number of Poverty in Medan Using Linear Regression Method <p>In this study, the total population along with the average net salary was selected for poverty.&nbsp; The data information used in this study is data derived from agencies. In obtaining the results of the analysis on the influence of variables, multiple linear regression was used. The interpretation of this study shows that there is a significant influence between population and average net salary on poverty. The larger the population and the smaller the average net wage/salary, the higher the poverty rate. It is hoped that this research will be able to show a framework of what factors influence poverty so that it can be used as a reference to overcome the problem of poverty in Indonesia, especially the city of Medan. This study does not use manual calculations, and aims to analyze the relationship between population (M1) and average wage / net salary (M2) with the amount of poverty (D). The equation D is 221105.0 - 0.0147 M1 + 0.0147 M2, with the value of the influence of M1 and M2 on D amounting to 0.341.</p> TJ Marpaung, E.D. Tarigan, Rony Genevent Marpaung, J.L. Marpaung Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Double Exponential Smoothing Method to Forecast the Production of Tembakau in North Sumatra <p>Forecasting is the process of using mathematical calculations and quantitative data from the past to predict situations that have not occurred or will occur in the future. Determine the strategy used in pursuing choices based on several things that have been done so that it is very feasible for planning. Brown's Double Exponential Smoothing, especially the smoothing approach with alpha values of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 will be used as a forecasting technique in this study. Using tobacco production data from 2012 to 2021, the forecasting results show that the best guess value achieves the smallest Mean Absolute Precentage Error (MAPE) of the nine alpha values used. with the parameter alpha = 0.2 produces the lowest error rate of 21.37 percent. The form of the forecasting equation is Fi+m = 1666.84892857549 + 86.604473843712 m. That is, the accuracy of forecasting the amount of tobacco production in the next ten years is 65.37 percent.</p> TJ Marpaung, YB Siringoringo, Rony Genevent Marpaung, J.L. Marpaung Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect of Number of Population, Average Expenditure, Unemployment, and Number of Poor People in North Sumatra Province with Path Analysis Method <p>Poverty is an economic problem so that a person experiences the inability to meet the necessities of life caused by the economy not meeting the average standard of living of society in general. This research is to find out how much influence it has on population, average public expenditure, unemployment, and the number of poor people in the province of North Sumatra. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in the poverty rate in 2021-2022. The percentage of poor people in September 2022 was 9.57 percent, an increase of 0.03 percent from March 2022 and a decrease of 0.14 percent from September 2021. Many people are experiencing unemployment due to reduced job opportunities. This research was conducted using the path analysis method and SPSS version 22 software. This research used quantitative data obtained from data from the Central Bureau of Statistics. Data were tested using the Classical Assumption Test, Hypothesis Test, and Correlation Coefficient Test. The research results obtained have a direct influence on the Independent Variables and Dependent Variables namely; Total Population (X1) and Average Spending (X2) on Unemployment (Y) where there is a significant value less than 0.05, which means it has a significant effect. The results obtained in the analysis model equation Y = 0.385X1 + 0.117X2 + 0.233Z + 0.905.</p> Erwin, Muthia Ferliani Balqis, Rosman Siregar, Rony Genevent Marpaung, J.L. Marpaung Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of the Effect of District / City Minimum Wage and Labor Force Participation Rate on the Open Unemployment Rate of North Sumatra Province in 2021-2022 <p>Open unemployment is still a major economic problem in North Sumatra Province. This study aims to analyze the effect of Regency / City Minimum Wage, Labor Force Participation Rate, and Gross Regional Domestic Product on the Open Unemployment Rate in North Sumatra Province in 2021-2022. The type of data used is secondary data obtained from the North Sumatra Province Statistics Agency. The results showed that there was a simultaneous significant influence between the three independent variables, namely district / city minimum wage, labor force participation rate, and gross regional domestic product on the dependent variable, namely the open unemployment rate 𝑌 = 0.164𝑋1 − 0.694𝑋2 − 0.032𝑍 + 0.424. The simultaneous effect is 57.6% and the remaining 42.4% is explained by other variables not included in the study.</p> Erwin, Citra Dewi Hasibuan, Rony Genevent Marpaung, J.L. Marpaung Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Application of Pathway Analysis Factors Affecting the Human Development Index in North Sumatra in 2021-2022 <p>The Human Development Index (IPM) measures human development achievements based on a number of basic quality of life components. As a measure of quality of life, HDI is built through a basic three-dimensional approach. These dimensions include a long and healthy life; knowledge, and a decent life. These three dimensions have a very broad meaning because they are related to many factors. To measure the health dimension, life expectancy at birth is used. Furthermore, to measure the dimensions of knowledge, a combination of literacy rate indicators and the average length of schooling is used. This study aims to determine the relationship or influence between variables on the human development index. These variables are the average length of schooling, life expectancy, and the percentage of poor people. This research uses survey data from BPS North Sumatra for the 2021-2022 period. Data processing uses path analysis with the help of SPSS version 23 software. The path equation obtained in this study is Y = 0.672X1 + 0.297X2 − 0.223Z + 0.081. The results showed that there was a significant influence between the average length of schooling, life expectancy, and the percentage of poor people on the human development index.</p> Erwin, Muthia Ferliani Balqis, Rony Genevent Marpaung, J.L. Marpaung Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education Mon, 20 Mar 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Quadratic Programming Approach in the Non-Negatif Matrix Factorization <p>Non-negative Matrix Factorization is an iteration optimization algorithm. ie to decipher one matrix into several non-negative component matrices. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (FMN) serves to obtain a picture of non-negative data. There is a problem in the Non-negative Matrix Factorization that is optimization at the constraint boundary, where in the optimization solution on the constraint boundary it is necessary to do long iteration and of course very difficult and conquers a long time. Quadratic Programing is an approach to solving linear optimization problems where the constraint is linear function and its purpose function is the square of the decision variable or multiplication of the two decision variables. This method is considered to be an effective method to overcome the optimization in the Non-negative Matrix Factorization.</p> Heri Yusus Simbolon, Sawaluddin, Marwan Ramli Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Mathematics Technology and Education Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0700