Natural resource, Eclucive Economic Zone, UNCLOS, nine dash lineAbstract
North Natuna is one part of the territorial waters of Indonesia which is very rich in resources. According to the applicable jurisdiction based on Law Number 17 of 1985 concerning the 1982 UNCLOS Ratification, North Natuna which has been proven to have the largest natural gas reserves in the Asia Pacific, is an inseparable part of Indonesia's EEZ. However, the 1982 ratification of UNCLOS in another country, namely Vietnam, also provides a similar explanation, that geographically North Natuna is its territory. This difference in conception has resulted in many incidents, from confrontations between law enforcement officers from the two countries, the capture of Vietnamese fishermen and the sinking of ships by the Indonesian authorities, to the complexity of the negotiation process between the two countries. In the midst of these problems, the governments of the two countries must make quick efforts in the face of growing external pressure, namely China's Nine Dash Line claims, as well as the need to use North Natuna itself. Using a juridical-normative research pattern, this paper attempts to unravel the 1982 UNCLOS provisions in conflict resolution and their relevance to Indonesia's strategy in resolving the EEZ dispute case with Vietnam in North Natuna.
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