Developing Feeding System and Tecnology Innovation for Intensive and Export-Oriented Goat Production


  • S Ginting





There is large potential for exporting meat goats and so gaining more economic benefit from raising this animal. There are several  constraints faced by the goat producers or  traders in fulfilling the potential demand of the market. Developing a more intensive goat production system is urgently needed in order to increase the capacity of the stock supply while at the same time the goat population is developing to make the system sustainable in the long term.

In intensive goat production system feed play a central component  in achieving  the maximum economic efficiency of the production, since under such production system the feed could contributed  up to 70% of the total  production cost. To reach a high  efficiency in  feed utilization for goat production system  there are at least two feeding system that  could be considered. Feeding system and feed management is aldo critical to be developed intensively to be more well adaptive. Feed budget or feeding standard are some alternative feeding approach for intensive goat production system and feeding strategy and feed  technology are important in  optimizing the level of productivity of goats during each phase of its life cycle and production.


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