Self-efficacy and Covid-19 preventive behaviors

Self-efficacy dan perilaku pencegahan Covid-19


  • Ridhoi Meilona Purba
  • Nora Barimbing



Kata Kunci: Self-Efficacy, Perilaku Pencegahan COVID-19


This study aims to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and Covid-19 preventive behaviors. Participants were 258 people recruited incidentally. The results showed that self-efficacy significantly predicted Covid-19 preventive behaviors, but with a substantially small effect size. We recommend health stakeholders look for other more meaningful variables as a means to promote Covid-19 preventive behaviors.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara self-efficacy dengan perilaku pencegahan Covid-19. Partisipan adalah 258 orang yang direkrut secara incidental. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-efficacy secara signifikan memprediksi perilaku pencegahan Covid-19, tetapi dengan ukuran efek yang secara substansial kecil. Kami merekomendasikan pemangku kepentingan kesehatan mencari variabel-variabel lain yang lebih bermakna sebagai sarana untuk mempromosikan perilaku pencegahan Covid-19.


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