Author Guidelines
Psikologia Journal
Psikologia is a peer-reviewed scientific journal in psychology, published by the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Sumatera Utara. The journal aims to accommodate the exchange of ideas among Indonesian psychologists and scientists. Since 2016, the journal has been published in an electronic form to facilitate the rapid dissemination of research findings.
The journal focuses on bringing psychological science theory, empirical evidence, and practice to explain and provide solutions to social and behavioral problems that are especially relevant but not limited to Indonesian society. As such, we accept a wide range of research domains in psychology, including social psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, educational psychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology.
Manuscript Submission Procedure
The authors must submit their journals to the managing editor via website link. The author must register and set his/her personal ID before login. In submitting a journal, the author must log in as an “author†via the “login†tab on the right corner of the home page, so that the author can upload his/her written work. In addition, Psikologia Journal only accepts journals in the form of Word files.
Review Policies
Submitted manuscripts are subject to reviews by an editorial team board and peer reviewers who are experts and familiar with the relevant field of research. After review process, the Managing Editor will inform the author of the acceptance, rejection or necessity of the manuscript revision.
Paper Form
The word limit for the submission is 4000-10.000 words with format A4 paper. The manuscripts should contain, title; abstract; three to five keywords; introduction; method (for original research articles); result; discussion; and bibliography.
Journal Form
- Title
Title in English is created using the "Title" style. This style is made with Times New Roman 22pt font, 1.15 spacing, bold, left-aligned, with vertical spacing up 15pt and down 10pt. The Title in Bahasa Indonesia is created right below the Title in English, using the "Subtitle" style. This style is created with Times New Roman 18pt font, double spacing, italics, center-aligned, with 0pt top and bottom vertical spacing.
- Author Name
The author or list of author names is made just below the Indonesian title using the "NamaPenulis" style. The list of author names is made with comma separation. Each author's name is without a title. Use superscript numbers to indicate the affiliation of each author. Use an asterisk (*) to indicate the author of correspondence.
Below the name (or list of names), list each author's affiliation, city, and country using the "Affiliation" style. A new line separates each affiliation. Right in the footnotes section, list information about the correspondence author, and complete address using the style "Correspondence."
- Abstract
Use the "AbstractEng" style for English-language abstracts and the "AbstractIndo" style for Indonesian-language abstracts, provided that the words "Abstract" and "Abstract" are in bold. Just below the English and Indonesian abstract content, display at least three and at most five keywords using the same format as the abstract content, with the words "Keywords" and "Keywords" in bold.
- Keywords
Keywords must be arranged alphabetically and must have at least three to five words separated by semicolons (;). Writing keywords is not allowed to use a dot at the end of the word. Keywords must refers to the title of the journal. The keywords writing format is Times New Roman 11 pt and using 1 space.
- Introduction
The introduction of the journal should contain the issues discussed in the writing. At the end of the paragraph, the author(s) should end with a comment or conclusion (if the manuscript originates from a research report) on the identification of the issue(s) and the objective(s) of the research. The writing format is Times New Roman 12 pt and 1 space.
- Method
The research method must be written descriptively and must provide a statement regarding the research method used. This method is optional and for original research articles only. The writing format is Times New Roman 12 pt and uses 1 space.
- Result
Describe your research results here. How did you test the hypothesis? What were your data analysis techniques? How did you operationalize the analysis techniques used? What were the results? The answers to these questions are the bare minimum you should explain in this section.
- Discussions
This discussion section is free to you. However, we recommend that it should include at least the following:
- An overview of your research in simple language that a lay reader can understand.
- Relevance of the results to the theory as expressed in the Introduction and/or to other relevant theories and/or research results.
- Weaknesses and strengths of your research.
- Practical implications of your results.
- References
The reference list is created using the "References" style. Use APA Style 7th Edition as the reference style for your article. Here are some examples of reference writing. For example purposes, we take the book Field, Miles, and Field (2012), a scientific article from Burhan, Leeuwen, and Scheepers (2020), a news webpage article from Iqbal (2018), a chapter in a book volume from Guimond (2005), and a thesis from Wijermans (2011):Single Author Books:
Burhan, O. K., Leeuwen, E. van, & Scheepers, D. (2020). On the hiring of kin in organizations: Perceived nepotism and its implications for fairness perceptions and the willingness to join an organization. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 34–48.
Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering statistics using R. London: SAGE Publications .
Guimond, S. (2005). Introduction: social comparison processes and levels of analysis. In S. Guimond (Ed.), Social comparison and social psychology (pp. 1–12).
Iqbal, M. (2018). 10 nama dinasti Ratu Atut: Anak, adik, hingga mantu. Retrieved from
Wijermans, F. E. H. (2011). Understanding crowd behaviour: Simulating situated individuals (PhD thesis). University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.
- Table
Please use tables and graphs effectively! Things that you have mentioned in the table should not be repeated in the body of the paper. Vice versa, things that you have explained in the body of the paper do not need to be explained using tables. However, you need to explain the interpretation of the data depicted in the table to make it easier for readers to understand the results of your research. If the author wants to use a table. Please make it in accordance with Table 1. We do not recommend tables that contain multiple nested headers. Unless it is absolutely necessary. Please do not use tables to explain simple analyses, such as bivariate correlation between two variables, t-tests, simple regression, and standard assumption tests (e.g. normality or linearity). For these analyses, it is sufficient to explain them in the body of the paper only, referring to the APA 7th Edition reporting format. For example, for the independent-sample t-test, you can write as the following fictitious example:
We hypothesize that breakfast can improve students' learning performance (Hypothesis 1). To test this hypothesis, we compared the quiz results of the breakfast group with the non-breakfast group by conducting an independent-sample t-test analysis. The results showed that students in the breakfast group (M = 86, SD = 2.30) achieved higher quiz scores than the non-breakfast group (M = 75, SD = 3.00, t(86) = 10.08, p = .003, Cohens d = 0.76).
Note, report the original p-value, not p < .05. If the p-value is .003, then report p =.003, not p < .050, unless the p-value is below .001 (for example, if p = .00004, then you can write p < .001). In general, write statistics in the format of two decimal places. For p-values, use a three-decimal format. In addition, for indicators that can exceed 1 such as SD, F, t, or B in regression analysis, write 0 before the decimal (e.g. SD = 0.98, t(1,89) = 0.67). For statistics that cannot exceed 1, such as r, p, α, ω or β, there is no need to write 0 before the decimal (e.g., r = .68, p = .002). Note that the decimal point used is the full stop (.) NOT the comma (,). The comma will be used to indicate thousands.
- Figures/Graphics
For graphics, please use clear quality, at least 300 dpi using ".png" or ".jpg" format. Graphs should be center-aligned, with numbering, title, and additional information below the graph. You can also use the built-in graphic creation features of Microsoft Word or Excel.