Author Guidelines

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The manuscript, including tables, figures, and references should bewritten in English and prepared in Times New Roman on A4 (21.5 cm x 28 cm) paper with maximum of 12 pages.

Paper title – a concise and comprehensible title reflecting the paper content, not more than 20 words, in English and capitalize first letter.

Authors – presented with the first name and the surname. In case of more authors from several institutions, the number corresponding with the same number in a list of places of works

Authors´ affiliation – introduces the official English name of institution. In case of several authors from different places of work, a number corresponding with the same number in a list of authors is presented at their place of work.

Author´s address – the author should including detailed departemen, faculty, address of the institution with postal code, city and country, e-mail address and ORCID (if author has). The mentioned author is responsible for any correspondence with the editorial office.

Abstract – consists of objective, methods, results, and conclusion. It should contain not more than 250 words. Keywords contain 3 to 5 words


Manuscript text consists of introduction, method, result and discussion, conclusion.

Introduction – should contain main reasons for realization of the research, aims of the work as well as review of current knowledge of solved problems. Represents the theoretical core of an article. In this section, we will discuss the purpose of a literature review.

Method – introduction of all used data. Ways of data quality verification. Used analytical and statistical methods. Only original methods should be explained in details, in other cases original papers should be referenced and, if relevant, the differences from the original works might be briefly commented.

Results and discussion – presentation of results should be transparent, preferably expressed in the form of tables and graphs with an appropriate commentary; the author should compare achieved results with data published by other authors. Here, it is essential to emphasize the significance of obtained results and eventually to open new questions to be solved. It is recommended to include a brief evaluation at the end of the section – whether and how the set target was achieved, what are the conclusions of the authors etc.

Conclusion - The conclusion is linked back to the aims of the study were around a half of page.

Acknowledgement (if needed) - Explains who supported the research and provided the funding.

References – a list of referred reviewed periodicals in numbering order. All references referred to in the article text must be listed in the References section. The references shall contain at least 10 (ten) references from 80% of primary sources (scientific journals, conference proceedings, research reference books) which are published within 5 (five) year.