About the Journal
Journal of Sustainable Economics (JSE) is a peer-reviewed publication of original research works. The mission of the journal is to offer a medium to exchange ideas and information about the advancement of knowledge and research in disiplines of economics and econometrics from the following subject area such as microeconomics, macroeconomics, developing economics, finance and banking, islamic economics and public economics. The journal also receives systematic reviews, meta-analysis and review article on new issues in economics. Submission to this journal implies that the manuscript has not been published or under consideration to be published in another journal. At the initial stage, this journal will be published online twice a year. Each publication contains 5 (five) research articles which will be published online. These articles are indexed by Indonesian Publication Index (Garuda Portal), Google Scholar and Copernicus. This journal is open access and published by TALENTA Publisher which organized by Study Program of Development Economics, Study Program of Magister and Doctor Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia.
Current Issue
This issue has been available online since 30th November 2024 for the fourth regular issue of November 2024. All articles in this issue (5 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 14 authors from 5 countries (Indonesia, Tanzania, Turkiye, Oman and Netherlands).