Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology is the first online journal published by the Anthropology Laboratory of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). The first edition of the journal began in September 2020 and will be published in two editions annually. Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology provides a global forum for scholarly articles on the social patterns of ill-health and disease transmission, and experiences of and knowledge about health, illness, and wellbeing. These include the nature, organization, and movement of peoples, technologies and treatments, and how inequalities pattern access to these.

 Articles published in the journal showcase the theoretical sophistication, methodological soundness, and ethnographic richness of contemporary medical anthropology. Through the publication of empirical articles and editorials, we encourage our authors and readers to engage critically with the key debates of our time. The subject matter covered in the Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology is relevant not only to health care professionals who recognize the importance of attaining a better understanding of the socio-cultural dimensions of health but also to any social scientist who has an interest in health-related issues. Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology dedicated to the profession and practice of medical anthropology, which uses concepts and methods from anthropology to produce new understandings of health, disease, illness, treatment, and care. Open to experts and those interested in the study of social psychology, the severity, and public health. This journal serves as the hub of an active research community and a storehouse for information supporting the endeavors of medical anthropologists and their colleagues in allied social science fields. The site further intends to inform the general public and policy-makers of the scope and breadth of medical anthropology. The journal, like the field of medical anthropology, draws upon and benefits from a wide range of theories and methods. It also serves as a space to promote and foster collaboration and coalition-building.

Journal title Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology
Abbreviation Indonesia J. of Med. Anthropology
Initial IJMA
Frequency 2 (two) issues per year
ISSN (Online) 2745-536X
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.32734 (Member of Crossref)
Editor-in-Chief Nurman Achmad
Managing Editor Moalita and Sayed Muhammad Dauly
Publisher TALENTA Publisher, Universitas Sumatera Utara
Citation Analysis on progress
Visitor Analysis Visitor Statistics (Sponsored by StatCounter)


Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology

This issue encompasses a diverse range of studies focused on health and societal challenges across various communities. It begins with an exploration of the factors influencing the age of marriage among teenagers in Bandar Village, Pacitan Regency, highlighting the significance of reproductive health education. Another study delves into the health habits of mothers and children in coastal areas, revealing the unique challenges they face due to their environment. The issue also features an innovative analysis of fingerprint patterns and digital angles within the Komering population, contributing to the fields of genetics and anthropology. The impact of social media bullying on adolescent mental health is scrutinized, emphasizing the need for protective measures in the digital landscape. Lastly, the socio-cultural factors contributing to the stunting phenomenon in children in Medan City are investigated, showing the complex interplay between nutrition, health practices, and cultural beliefs. Together, these articles provide insightful perspectives on pressing health and social issues, offering valuable contributions to public health discourse and interventions.

Published: 2024-03-31
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