
  • Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)

    This issue encompasses a diverse range of studies focused on health and societal challenges across various communities. It begins with an exploration of the factors influencing the age of marriage among teenagers in Bandar Village, Pacitan Regency, highlighting the significance of reproductive health education. Another study delves into the health habits of mothers and children in coastal areas, revealing the unique challenges they face due to their environment. The issue also features an innovative analysis of fingerprint patterns and digital angles within the Komering population, contributing to the fields of genetics and anthropology. The impact of social media bullying on adolescent mental health is scrutinized, emphasizing the need for protective measures in the digital landscape. Lastly, the socio-cultural factors contributing to the stunting phenomenon in children in Medan City are investigated, showing the complex interplay between nutrition, health practices, and cultural beliefs. Together, these articles provide insightful perspectives on pressing health and social issues, offering valuable contributions to public health discourse and interventions.

  • Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)

    In the recent volume of the Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology, various articles explore the intricate relationship between culture and medicine across different Indonesian communities. The studies delve into the Batak Toba Tribe's traditional use of animal medicine and the indigenous practices in rural Java for caring for the elderly with dementia. Further insights are provided into the popularity of Fatimah Grass among young mothers in North Sumatera and the local wisdom around ulcer disease. The phenomenon of vaping among female students is also dissected, while another piece investigates strategies employed by students with mental illnesses at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji to navigate their educational journey.

  • Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)

    The circle of human life, from birth and death through various activities based on understanding and cultural beliefs adhered to, In this issue, we try to string together how birth becomes something sacred for various ethnicities. Starting from reproductive health, perspectives on pregnancy, ceremonies about pregnancy, and plants that are often used for hygiene related to female reproductive organs Furthermore, the condition that is most worried by the pressure of life is mental health. But this time it was exposed to mental health problems in the elderly.

  • Indonesian Journal of Medical Anthropology
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)

    To meet the need for health and a healthy body so that they can carry out activities as before, people are looking for treatments that can cure diseases. Of course, this is after consideration in him. A struggle of thought, so they decided to find a healer whom they believed was capable of healing. This edition is, of course, greatly influenced by knowledge, be it patient or healing. This edition emphasizes the importance of knowledge by the patient and the healing agent.

  • Family Health
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)

    In this edition, the published article consists of the results of research that talks about health in the family. It starts from problems that are very close to the family, namely dental health in children affected by family parenting with a cultural background, to family efforts to maintain health with traditional medicine.

  • Knowledge and Traditional Medicine Use
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)

    Community groups have their conceptions of the health-The concept of healthy and sick. With the knowledge passed down from the ancestors, they utilize the surroundings as medicinal ingredients in overcoming diseases. The issues in the current article tell the knowledge and treatment carried out in the community as an adaptive response to the disease suffered. Knowledge of Batak people against diseases and traditional medicine, people Karo with medicinal oil. So is the disease that is currently pandemic. Javanese people know herbal medicine as a health drink that can prevent contracting covid 19.

  • Traditional Medicine
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)

    The understanding of concepts to health and illness in the community becomes the starting point for them in determining their treatment income. This edition tries to provide an overview of the concept of health and illness, the use of Traditional Birth Attendant services. Using an untrained Traditional Birth Attendant service can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby. However, if it is energized, it can prevent stunting. Indonesia is rich in traditional medicine. In this edition, we highlight "Kuning" and "Jamu" as traditional medicine and disease prevention.

  • Adolescent Reproductive Health
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

    Reproductive health issues are fundamental in supporting the continuity of quality life. In the first edition, some writings try to give an idea of reproductive health in some ethnicities that become cultural in their lives. Study their knowledge of reproductive health and the act of marriage at a young age.