Author Guidelines
Acta Law Journal
Acta Law Journal (E-ISSN : 2964-2264) is a peer-reviewed journal published since 2022 by the Notary Masters Program, Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatera, Medan. Acta Law Journal is published twice a year in June and December every year. Acta Law is an article that contains the results of research by Teaching Staff and Masters Students of Notary, Faculty of Law, University of North Sumatera.
Articles published in Acta Law Journal does not only focus on issues related to Notary studies, but also on general law studies. In order to maintain the quality of articles to be published by Acta Law Journal, a number of law professors and legal experts have been appointed as editorial boards. Every article that will be published is confirmed to have been through the review stage in accordance with the standards that apply to a scientific journal. The reviewers are selected from legal experts in accordance with their scientific fields. As a national journal, Acta Law Journal accepts contributions of writings nationally on topics related to various fields of law.
Manuscript Submission Procedure
The authors must submit their journals to the managing editor via (website link). Author must register and set his/her personal ID before login. In submitting a journal, the author must log in as an “author†via the “login†tab on the right corner of the home page, so that the author can upload his/her written work. In addition, Acta Law Journal only accepts journals in the form of Word files.
Review Policies
Submitted manuscripts are subject to reviews by an editorial team board and peer reviewers who are experts and familiar with the relevant field of research. After review process, the Managing Editor will inform the author of the acceptance, rejection or necessity of the manuscript revision.
Paper Form
The word limit for the submission is 4000-10.000 words with format A4 paper. The manuscripts should contain, title; abstract; three to five keywords; introduction; method (for original research articles); analysis and discussion; conclusion; and bibliography.
Journal Form
- Title
Following headings should be provided in the manuscript. Main headings, sub-headings, and sub-sub headings should not be numbered in the manuscript:
Sub-sub headings
Point headings
The title must be written in Indonesian with form of 12 pt Times New Roman and bold, using 1 spaced format and not exceed than 15 words. The title is not allowed to contain the number and/or year of the legislation.
- Author Name
Authors may include their name under the title with the provisions of writing, with the font size of 10 pt Times New Roman, 1 space. Provide information of (*) affiliation and e-mail for each author's name (if there is more than 1 author).
- Abstract
Abstracts should be clear, concise, and descriptive. The abstract should provide a brief introduction to the legal issue under study, accompanied by an explanation of the research method (if the manuscript is from a research report), as well as a brief summary of the results. Abstracts must be written in Indonesian and English. Abstract writing format is using Times New Roman 11 pt, and 1 space between 200-300 words.
- Keywords
Keywords must be arranged alphabetically and must have at least three to five words separated by semicolons (;). Writing keywords is not allowed to use a dot at the end of the word. Keywords must refers to the title of the journal. The keywords writing format is Times New Roman 11 pt and using 1 space.
- Introduction
The Inttoduction of the journal should contain the issues discussed in the writing. At the end of the paragraph, the author(s) should end with comment or conclusion (if the manuscript originates from research report) on the identification of the issue(s) and the objective(s) of the research. The writing format is Times New Roman 12 pt and 1 spaces.
- Method
The research method must be written descriptively and must provide a statement regarding the research method used. This method is optional and for original research articles only. The writing format is Times New Roman 12 pt and using 1 spaces.
- Analysis and Discussion
The analysis and discussion section must contain the results of the analysis carried out as well as a discussion of the research objectives. The writing format is Times New Roman 12 pt and using 1 spaces.
- Conclusions
Conclusions must be clear, concise and answer the problems raised in the study. Do not repeat the abstract or restate the research results. Rather, it uses a clear scientific justification in answering the problems used in the research. The writing format is Times New Roman 12 pt and using 1 spaces.
- References
References must be at the end of the journal. All articles or other containers used for journal writing must be included in the reference list and listed in alphabetical order. It is recommended to use the reference of the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note). The direct quote writing format is 0.5 indent, 1 space. Example :
- Single Author Books:
Siclair, Agustina. 2015. Pembagian harta kekayaan dalam Sistem Hukum di Indonesia. Bandung: Penerbit Ibu Bumi.
- Books with more than three Authors:
Jesica, Kenny, Airlangga Leonardgo, David Romsan, Ricky dan Kaorina Louise. 2019. Hukum Perburuhan di Indonesia. Jakarta: Universitas Swadaya Press.
- Books with Editor:
Riniawato, Sulistyowati (ed). 2010. Sistem Hukum Yang Bergerak: Dalam Kacamata Antropologi Hukum. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Penyongsong Indonesia.
- Book Chapter:
Kamarrudin Mat Andarii, Rohani Christ halim, “Kebutuhan Kepada Rejim Migrasi Antarabangsa,†dalam Kamal Oksiyanipur (ed), Buruh Asing dan Migrasi Isu Perundangan, hlm 27-38. - Journals Articles:
Afriyansah. 2012. “Jejak Demokrasi Lingkungan dalam pengimplementasian Undang-Undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009.†Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Robert Gappa. 21 (2). - World Wide Web:
British Broadcasting Corporation. 2013. Keberadaan Timor Leste Mendapat Pengakuan UNESCO. Available from: en_unesco. [diakses: Mei 16, 2012].
- Newspaper:
Kompas. 2016. 14 November.
- Cititations
Citations are provided in the footnotes. Please use reference manager with Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (full note).
- Books:
- Saswanto Cammila, Perceraian dalam Sistem Hukum di Indonesia, Bandung: Penerbit Ibu Bumi, 2016, hlm. 15.
- Happy Olivia, et , Pengaturan Hukum Lingkungan di Indonesia, Jakarta: Universitas Swadaya Publisher, 2010, hlm. 30.
- Citing more than one page:
Happy Warsito, et al., Sistem Hukum di Indonesia, Jakarta: Universitas Gunung Djati Publisher, 2010, hlm. 30-35.
- Books Chapter:
Charistian Panamoni, Louise Kaorina, “Perkembangan Hukum Indonesia Secara Global†dalam Purwono Hasalli (ed), Kebutuhan Masyarakat Akan Kemajuan Hukum, hlm. 27-38.
- Journals:
Gurandero dan Akamalik, 2010, “A tale of two citations,†Nature, 451 (7177), hlm. 397-399.
- Indirect Quotation:
Yang, V. C., 1995. “Punishing for Environmental Protection?: Enforcement Issues in China.†The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 44, hlm. 671-682 pada William, T.D., Cooch, E.G., Jefferies, R.L., dan Cooke, F., (2015) “Environmental Degradation, food limitation, and reproductive output: Juvenile survival in lesser snow geese.†Journal of Animal Ecology, 62, hlm. 766-777.
- Newspaper:
Jakarta Memilih. Kompas. 14 November. 2016.
- Citing Laws & Regulations:
Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 1999 Tentang Arbitrase dan Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa.
- Website:
Goldacre, B. (2008) Trivial Disputes. Bad Science. Weblog. [Online] Available from: (accesed: 19 June 2008).
Ramalho, R., Helffrich, G., Schmidt, D.N. & Vance, D. (2017) Tracers of uplift and subsidence in the Cape Verde Journal of the Geological Society. [Online] 167 (3), 519-538. On doi:10.1144/0016-76492009-056 (accesed: 14 June 2019).
- Prosiding:
Must be cited as original source.
- Figures/Graphics
The figures should be clearly readable and at least have a resolution of 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) for best printing quality.
- Table
Table is made with the open model (without the vertical lines).