Author Guidelines
General Requirements
Manuscript needs to be research results within the last 5 years and fulfills research ethic codes.
Manuscript needs to be original, never been published or not under review of another journal, which is written in a statement of originality (Form Statement Letter of Plagiarism in Submissions Menu).
Manuscript could be categorized in one of the following 4 research groups namely (a) Animal Science and Fisheries, (b) Agribusiness, (c) Agricultural Technology, and (d) Agriculture and Bioscience
Manuscript is written in English.
Format Requirements
Minimum of 11 total pages
Written in Microsoft Word (.doc), 1.5 (one and a half) line spacing between lines, Times New Roman (TNR) 11, A4 size (21cm x 29.7 cm) with top and bottom margins are 1.75 cm and 1.55 cm respectively, left and right margin are 3 cm
Title needs to be concise, clear, specific, informative, and describe the contents of the manuscript. Title is written in English, with TNR 18, bold and justified, capital letters only at the beginning of each word, no more than 15 words, and no abbreviation.
Author's name is written without academic degrees, completed with institution/affiliation, city and country, and correspondencing email. If there is more than one author coming from the same institution/affiliation, then the institution/affiliation is only written once in a complete form. Affiliation addresses and the corresponding email should be appeared as footnotes. For authors with different institutions/ affiliations, superscript numbers should be used after each surname to refer each author to his/her institution/affiliation. The superscript numbers should not be inserted using Word footnote. Author name is written with TNR 13.5, affiliation with TNR 10, and corresponding email with TNR 9.
Chapter titles (heading 1) are written with capital letters on the first letter of each word, left aligned and bolded. Every section title use 11 pt, bold, Times New Roman. For the section body, text is written in 1.5 (one and a half) line spacing between lines, and 12 pt spacing among paragraphs, 24 pt spacing for the next heading.
Sub chapter titles (heading 2) are written in capital letters on the first letter of each word, left aligned and italic.
Chapters, sub chapters and sub sub chapters should be written consecutively in Arabical numeral.
Abbreviations and acronyms should be explained at first usages, not including in the abstract.
Content Requirements
Abstract briefly describes background of the study, research method, result(s), and conclusion(s). Abstract contains no citation, written in English with TNR 10, no more than 200 words with maximum 5 (lower case and write alphabetically], with single line spacing. Left indent is 2 cm and right indent is 0 cm.
Manuscript consists of (a) Introduction, (b) Materials and Method, or Method, (c) Results and Discussion, (d) Conclusions and Recommendations/Policy Implications, (e) Acknowledgement (Optional), and (f) References
Introduction describes research background, previous studies and research objectives, which is no more than 20% of the manuscript total pages.
Material and method consist of materials and tools, measurement methods, processes, research design, variables, and data analysis. Method consists of sampling method and analytical method (can be presented in flow chart).Materials and Methods, or Method is no more than 25% of manuscript total pages.
Results and Discussions explain empirical findings, including the comparison with previous studies and the contribution to the field of knowledge. The size is no more than 50% of the manuscript total pages.
Conclusions and Recommendations/Policy Implications are answers to the research question(s) not a summary of the research. Conclusions and Recommendations/ Policy Implications are no more than 5% of the manuscript total pages.
Acknowledgments (optional) is a gratitude to persons and/or parties who have supported the research, both in funding/facilities and thoughts. Acknowledgments are written as a separate section before References, not as the footnote of manuscript
References need to consist of English written articles that are not less than 60% and of primary sources that are not less than 40% of the manuscript total references. References only included those cited in the text, with at least 25% published in the last 3 years. References are written in IEEE Style, which details can be seen in IEEE Reference Guide. Every manuscript submitted to InJAR shall use reference management software that supports Citation Style Language styles, such as Mendeley or EndNote.
In InJAR Tables, Graphs, Figures and Equations may be listed as part of the text or as appendix with written provisions as follow.
Tables are written using the Microsoft Word Table function with 8 pt of minimum font size, and should be placed after being mentioned in the text. All tables should be referred in the text, and avoid repeating similar table information in the text. Table title is placed above the table, it should be concise and clearly describe content of the table. It should be capitalized for every letter of the word table title with Arabic Numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) as table numbers. Table only uses 3 horizontal lines separating descriptions and the data, and closing the table. Avoid using tabs for writing tables. The unit of measurement used should be clearly written down.
Pictures and graphs titles are placed under the pictures and graphs. It should be capitalized for every letter of the word picture title with Arabic number as the picture and graph numbers. Minimum and maximum picture or graph sizes are 1 column (8 cm) and 1 page (17 cm), respectively. Avoid using unnecessary background image. Choose 2-dimensional bar graphs with line not solid or block shading. Each axis must be completed with the variable name. For line graph use 1 point (1 point weight). All images must use a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for a 600 dpi color. The unit of measurement used should be clearly written down. Picture and graph are created in the box.
Equations are written using Microsoft Equation with Metric/International System for measurement units. The word percent is written as and not separated from the preceding number (for example 10%). Equation is written in right aligned, sorted by sequence number written in brackets. The word Equation is not mentioned in the text, except at the beginning of a sentence.
Download the Author Guidelines and Template here.