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In dealing with the problem of the COVID 19 pandemic, the AANHS Journal will continue to provide publications on the development of health science, especially in neurosurgery perspective. This edition of the AANHS journal will present articles about health regarding brain tumor, head injuries, brain infections ,spine surgery and disorders of blood vessels in the brain.
As the COVID 19 pandemic situation develops, We hope that in the future, there will be authors who are interested in writing about COVID 19 and its management. We will welcome these articles in our journal forum, so that we increase our knowledge about the pandemic that we face together
Thank you
Ridha Dharmajaya
Chief Editor
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Asian Australasian Neuro and Health Science Journal (AANHS J)
Neurosurgery Study Program, Faculty of Medicine - Universitas Sumatera Utara  / H. Adam Malik General Hospital
H. Adam Malik General Hospital
Bunga Lau Street No.17, Kemenangan Tani, Medan Tuntungan
Rindu B Building, 2nd Floor
Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesia 20136
Phone : 061-8360143
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