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AANHS Journal regularly presents the latest writings on neurosurgical cases. In this issue we will present a paper about the incidence rate of cases of spontaneous intracerebral hemoraghic, nasofrontal mucele, unique cases of meningiomas and congenital disorders such as craniosynostosis.
We hope that this AANHS journal can become a forum for adding knowledge in the field of neurosurgery, especially in this pandemic.
Ridha Dharmajaya
Chief Editor
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Asian Australasian Neuro and Health Science Journal (AANHS J)
Neurosurgery Study Program, Faculty of Medicine - Universitas Sumatera Utara  / H. Adam Malik General Hospital
H. Adam Malik General Hospital
Bunga Lau Street No.17, Kemenangan Tani, Medan Tuntungan
Rindu B Building, 2nd Floor
Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesia 20136
Phone : 061-8360143
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