Identifikasi dan Deskripsi Morfologi Udang Mantis (Stomatopoda) yang Tertangkap oleh Nelayan di Pantai Desa Sekunyit Kabupaten Kaur


  • Tri rahmat syarul Universitas Bengkulu



Identifikasi, Deskripsi, Stomatopoda


Kaur is one of the regencies in Bengkulu Province which has coastal and marine areas. In the coastal area of ​​Kaur Regency there is a capture fisheries center in Sekunyit. One of the catches is mantis shrimp which has nutritional value and high economic value but until now has not been utilized by the people of Bengkulu Province. Taxonomically the mantis shrimp is an animal belonging to the Malocostraca class with the order Stomatopoda. The mantis shrimp acts as a marine ecosystem bioindicator. This study aims to describe and identify the morphology of mantis shrimp caught by fishermen at Sekunyit Village Beach, Kaur District. This study used a survey method, data were collected through individuals and physical samples of mantis shrimp, then conducted interviews and documentation. Sampling was carried out by random sampling and the determination of respondents by accidental sampling. Identification of species and morphological characteristics using the Biodiversity Stomatopods book. The results of identification and morphological description found 2 species of mantis shrimp namely Oratosquillina gravieri and Harpiosquilla indica with morphological parts of the eye, antenna, rostal plate, carapace, thorax, raptorial claw, abdomen, periopod, telson and uropod.


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How to Cite

Tri rahmat syarul. (2023). Identifikasi dan Deskripsi Morfologi Udang Mantis (Stomatopoda) yang Tertangkap oleh Nelayan di Pantai Desa Sekunyit Kabupaten Kaur. AQUACOASTMARINE: Journal of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences , 2(2), 78-87.