Improving The Life Quality Of Low-Income Communities Through Hydroponic Bean Sprouts Business


  • Mariati Sinuraya Universitas Sumatera Utara



PKM, training, bean sprout, hydroponics


This Community service was carried out on the groups of  people from various backgrounds who did not have permanent jobs. The purpose of community service is to help people who have low incomes that do not adequately meet their daily needs by creating business opportunities. The target to be achieved is to improve the standard of their living within the limited space and funds they have, to become an adequate entrepreneur and have a decent standard of living. The method used was to give lectures and practice in making hydroponic bean sprouts. After training, the trainees have mastered how to make hydroponic bean sprouts, done their own business, and have began to enjoy the results of their bean sprouts sales


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Central Bureau of Statistics, Sumatera Utara. 2019. The percentage of poor population in North Sumatra in March 2019 dropped to 8.83 percent. Accessed on: 3 October 2019. 2019. Penduduk Miskin Sumut capai 1,29 juta orang. Accessed on: 2 October 2019. 2019. Penduduk Miskin Sumut Berkurang 33 Ribu Jiwa, Peringkat ke-18 Secara Nasional. Accessed on: 10 September 2019.

Amilah, Astuti, Y. 2006. The Effect of Concentration of Bean Sprout Extract and Green Beans on Vacin and Went Media (VW) on the Growth of Moon Orchid Sprouts (Phalaenopsis amabilis L.). /PengaruhKonsentrasiEkstrakTaoge. Accessed on: 8 September 2019.

USDA. 2009. Proteins and Nutrients from Other Beneficial Legumes (Beans): Mung Beans, Mature Seeds, Raw. Accessed on: 5 August 2019.

Savage, G.P. 1990. Nutritional value of sprouted mung bean. Nutrition Today, DOI: 10.1097/00017285-199005000-00007.



How to Cite

Sinuraya, M. (2020). Improving The Life Quality Of Low-Income Communities Through Hydroponic Bean Sprouts Business. Journal of Saintech Transfer, 2(2), 107-113.