Code-Switching used by Putri Tanjung and Boy William in Ngobrol Sore Semaunya’s Episode 2


  • Sitti Azyizah Institut Bisnis Nusantara
  • Dewi Nuryanti Institut Bisnis Nusantara



Code, Code-switching, Utterance, Multilingualism, Podcast


This study wants to investigate the code-switching that occurred in the Podcast
Ngobrol Sore Semaunya’s Podcast Episode 2. This study also aims to describe the types of
code-switching, the factors causing the code-switching, and the function of code-switching
that occurred in the Podcast Ngobrol Sore Semaunya Episode 2. This study used qualitative
descriptive research. The object of this research is a data containing code-switching in
speech events on the Podcast Ngobrol Sore Semaunya Episode 2. The result showed three
results. The first type of code-switching that occurs according to Stockwell (2007) there
are, 1) tag-switching, 2) intra-sentential switching, 3) inter-sentential switching. Second, the
reason that causes code-switching according to Hoffman (1991), there are 1) talking about
particular topic, 2) quoting somebody else, 3) express solidarity, 4) interjection, 5)
repetition used for clarification, 6) intention of clarifying the speech content for the
interlocutor and, 7) expressing group identity. The last is the code-switching function
according to Gumperz (1982), there are 1) quotation, 2) addressee specification, 3)
interjection or sentence filler, 4) reiteration, 5) message qualification, and 6) objectification.


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How to Cite

Azyizah, S., & Nuryanti, D. (2023). Code-Switching used by Putri Tanjung and Boy William in Ngobrol Sore Semaunya’s Episode 2. LingPoet: Journal of Linguistics and Literary Research, 4(1), 46-54.