Journal History

For further information, we would like to inform you about some of our changes since our first publication at october 2022:

Neoclassical Legal Review: Journal of Law and Contemporary Issues was before known as USU Law Journal which was a print-based journal that published 4 times a year. Since February 2022, USU Law Journal was changed to Neoclassical Legal Review: Journal of Law and Contemporary Issues (NLR-JoLCI) and become an online open access journal. Changes were also made in publication frequency to only twice a year in April and October

NLR-JoLCI was first published in october 2022 with 5 papers. Since April 2023 in Volume 2 Number 1, our papers publication were increased to 6 papers for each number in order to increase the author distribution

NLR-JoLCI has changed the manuscript template and citation style to American Psychological Association style (APA Style) since our publication at April 2023. Our manuscript template can be obtain here