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dentika Dental Journal is a biannualy journal that publishes scientifically articles in the field of dentistry. Authors are invited to submit for publi-cation articles reporting original article. Articles which have been presented in scientific meeting must be given with foot note regarding the meeting.
Articles must be written in British English. Use correct and proper English language, according to the English Grammar. The foreign term is written in the original form typed in italic. Non-foreign medical term is better to be avoided of
The journal publishes several types of peer-reviewed original articles. The systematic article writing is as follows:
Title: Article is initiated with the title of the article (written in English and Indonesian), followed by authors name, affilation and authors complete address institution(s), and E-mail address of author to whom correspon-dence should be sent.
Abstract: should be written in English and Indonesian, include a maximum 250 words, unstructured however contains of background, aim of study, materials and methods, results and conclusion. 3-5 key words are listed in order of importance and placed below the abstract.
Acknowledgement: (if any) should be written before the references. This section can be used to appreciate the institutions or persons who have made substantive contributions to the study or in the writing process of the manuscript. Specify grant or other financial support, citing the name of the supporting organization and grant number.
All parts of the article include abstract, title of the tables and figures and also references typed with MS Word Program and should be double-spaced on A4 paper, using Times-New Roman with:
- Abstract: 10 font size
- Article content: 11 font size
- Table (the title) and picture information: 10 font size
Scientific names of bacteria, animals and plants should be in italics, and the first letter should be capitaliz E.g. Bacillus enteriditis, Streptococcus mutans. The names of medicine are recommended to use chemical terms written in small letters. In case of commercial name, the first letter should be in capitalised, e.g. amoxicillin, Amoxan.
The number of pages should not exceed 12 pages, maximum 3500 words with 3-5 tables and/or figures. Articles should be submitted to Open Journal System: https://talenta.usu.ac.id/index.php/dentika.
References and quotation writing use numbering order system according to the first references appeared (Vancouver Style). Journal abbreviation referred to Index Dental Literature. References should not be more than 10 years ago, maximum 30 references.
Since August 2021, all articles are required to use Mendeley for referencing system. You can download here: https://www.mendeley.com/download-desktop-new/
Personal author (one to 6 authors)
Whitaker EJ. Primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment of dental caries: a 20-year case report. J American Dent Assoc 2006; 137: 348-52.
More than 6 authors
Brian B, Greenwel H, Fiorellini J, Giannobile W, Offenbacher S, Salkin J, et al. Epidemiology of periodontal diseases. J Periodontol 2005; 76: 1406-19.
Whelton HP, Ketley CE, McSweeney F, O’Mullane DM. A review of fluorosis in the European Union: Prevalence, risk factors and aesthetic issues. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2004; 32 (Suppl. 1): 9-18.
McDonald RE, Avery DR. Dean JA. Dentistry for the child and adolescent. 8th ed., St Louis: CV Mosby Co, 2000: 180-5.
Chapter in book
Mitchell RN, Cotran RS. Acute and chronic inflammation. In: Kumar V, Cotran RS, Robbin Sl. eds. Basic pathology. 7th ed., Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 2003: 33-7.
Edited book
Greenberg MS, Glick M. eds. Burket’s oral medicine: diagnosis and treatment. 10th ed., USA: BC Decker, 2003: 544-8.
Cairns BB. Infra-red spectroscopic studies of solid oxygen. Thesis. Berkeley, Califor-nia: University of California, 1995: 156.
Situmorang N. Dampak karies gigi dan penyakit periodontal terhadap kualitas hidup: Studi di dua kecamatan kota Medan. Disertasi. Jakarta: Program Pasca Sarjana FKM UI, 2004: 35.
Lemenhow S, Hosmer DW, Klar J. Besar sampel dalam penelitian kesehatan. Alih Bahasa. Pramono D. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1997: 12-5.
Bourdhem. Outline of therapy of practice. Trans. Nice R. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977: 58-61.
Walter R. Duarte WR, Pereira PN, Swift EJ, Heymann HO, Arnold RR. Effect of resin adhesive systems on root caries formation in-vitro. Quintessence Int 2008; 39(1): 33-7. (abstract)
Zulkifli A, Rogayah J, Razlan M. Cigarette smoking among Malaysian youth: problems and prospects. In: Malaysian Dental Association, ed. Proceedings of the Malay-sian Society of Health 21st Scientific Symposium. Kuala Lumpur, 1997.
Pucher JJ, Otomo-Corgel J. Periodontal disease and systemic health-diabetes <http://www.cda.org/member/pubs/journal/jour0402/diabetes.html> (28 August 2003).
Article which is not appropriate to the editor’s requirements would be returned.
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Dentika Dental Journal
Faculty of Dentistry
Universitas Sumatera Utara
 Jl. Alumni No. 2, Kampus USU Pd. Bulan
Medan 20155, Sumatera Utara - Indonesia
Email : dentika_journal@usu.ac.id
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