The Growth and Yield of IPB 3S Rice Variety With NPK and Rice Straw Compost
Rice straw compost, NPK, IPB 3S rice varietyAbstract
To minimize the use of inorganic fertilizers is by giving rice straw compost to the soil. The rice straw compost is a potential organic material for lowland rice plants. This study was aimed to determine the effect of the combination of NPK fertilizer and rice straw compost on the growth and yield of IPB 3S rice variety. This research was carried out on farmers' land in Dowiwi village, Simpang Raya sub-district, Banggai district. The study used a factorial randomized block design with two factors. Factor A (NPK) consisting of four levels namely A1 (62.5 kg / ha), A2 (125 kg / ha), A3 (187.5 kg / ha) and A4 ( 250 kg / ha). Factor B of rice straw compost (B) consisting of four levels, namely B1 (1.25 tons / ha), B2 (2.5 tons / ha), B3 (3.75 tons / ha), and B4 (5 tons / Ha). The results showed that rice straw compost can be increased plant height and 1000 grains weight. The interaction of NPK and rice straw compost (NPK 62.5 kg/ha + 5 tons/ha) was able to minimize the use of NPK fertilizer by 75% in panicle length and 1000 grains weight.
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