Revenue Performance of Sweet Corn (Pioneers) and Hybrid Corn (Bisi-2) Farmers in Pukdale Village, East Kupang District, Kupang Regency
Jagung Hibrida(Bisi-2), Jagung Manis(Pionir), Keragaan pendapatanAbstract
Limited land owned by farmers which in the same land farmers grow 2 types of maize with different time, namely sweet corn and hybrid corn within 1 year. In the dry season farmers grow hybrid corn and in the rainy season farmers grow sweet corn. Farmers capital for purchase production facilities, especially for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, and medicines whose prices are getting higher and higher, in addition to the price of corn and hybrid corn which always increases fluctuations, and in terms of cost and time of hybrid corn is higher than sweet corn. This will have an impact on income obtained by farmers. Sampling in this study was carried out by proportional random sampling. Determination of a large sample for the participation of smaller than 10000 can use the Slovin formula (Soekidjo, 2003) with the formula, to answer the objective, it can be used an analysis using total corn farming with total corn farming at one planting season, and to answer the purpose of both methods used using Gross Profit Margin. The results showed that the total income of hybrid maize and sweet corn in the research location was IDR.49.425.000 with an average income per respondent of IDR.852.155 / season and the average income per hectare was IDR. 1.433.855 / season. While the total income of sweet corn farming obtained by respondent farmers is IDR.55.383.000 with an average income per respondent is IDR. 1.065.057 / season and the average income per Ha is IDR. 3.018.147 / season. The percentage of gross profit margin shows that the percentage of sweet corn of 20.63% is received within 2 months and while hybrid corn is 23.20% received within 3 months.
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